Today we’re very happy to welcome Suzanne McLeod on Book Lovers,Inc. The Cold Kiss of Death, Suzanne’s 2nd book in the Spellcrackers.com series is being released as a MassMarket paperback today. Let’s celebrate with Suzanne! Keep your eyes open for a giveaway at the end of the post. =)
Hi there Book Lovers Inc. Thanks for inviting me to be a guest. I’m delighted to be here and I hope you all enjoy my post (and please forgive my current parentheses affliction =) )
I LOVE books, and always have done. I was lucky enough to have a mother* who thought reading was the best thing she could teach me. Since then I have never been without a book on the go. I love all sorts of genres: romance, fantasy, crime, historical, thriller, action adventure, and of course my favourite – urban fantasy – which manages to almost combine it all. My reading addiction means as soon as I finish one book, I have to start another (or race to the library, or bookstore, or re-read a keeper), and the books that I have always loved most are those with returning characters.
I love knowing that when I finish a book that it’s is not the end of the story. And that I can pick up the next one in the series and experience a whole new adventure along with characters and a world I’ve already met. It’s great to see what the characters will get up to next, and how they’re going to extricate themselves from whatever nasty and downright evil surprises life (a.k.a. the author *g*) is going to throw at them. I love seeing how their own lives change, and how their characters evolve, and what relationships develop, or not, between them all**. Plus it’s always exciting to visit (and re-visit) a world that isn’t our own for whatever reason***, and to discover how a world’s different cultural mores can affect folk’s behaviour, and bring new and interesting dimensions to both the individual, and overarching series plots.
So when I started writing my Spellcrackers books, I always knew that they would be a series, one that would feature the same main characters in each book, with the addition of various secondary characters (both goodies and baddies) who would come and go (some permanently, others not so much: death has a way of being final – *most* of the time ;)). And each book in the series would have a main mystery plot that would tie in with what is happening in my characters’ lives (a storytelling method that Joss Whedon is the master of; and if I manage to emulate, even by a tiny percentage, his style of character/plot arcs then I’ll be a very happy author), so by the end of each book the mystery would be resolved, leaving some minor threads to lead into the next book, or books in the series.
And that’s how my main character, Genevieve (Genny) Taylor, a sidhe fae, was born, and why she finds herself with more problems in a week than most of us experience in a lifetime. In The Cold Kiss of Death – Spellcrackers.com #2, Genny has to deal with desperate ghosts, seductive vampires, vindictive witches and tricky, scheming fae. At the same time she’s on the run after being framed for the murder of one of her human friends, and she’s determined to find the killer and bring them to justice. Oh, and she bumps into a few other nasties who are up to no good, but to find out who and what, you’ll need to read the book *g*.
*Thanks, mum =). Reading also kept me quiet and entertained – every mother’s wish – so it benefitted us both. LOL!
**Team Eric FTW! =)
***Whether it’s because the book is fantasy, dystopian, science fiction, historical or just set in another part of the world. A great series that does this is Nalini Singh’s Psy series.
Question: Which kind of series do you like more the one with the same POV in each book or the one with changing POVs through the series? And most importantly…WHY? (Titles?)
The HEA Lover: Thank you Suzanne for coming today! Don’t worry I have the same parentheses affliction lol
About the author:
Growing up I was always the child that hid behind the settee, or took a torch to bed, or walked around ignoring the rest of the world, because I was reading a book. The highlight of my week was the trip to the library. Now, the highlight of my year is when I get to take a suitcase of brand new books and escape with it to somewhere hot, with plenty of sea and sand and Margarit.
Other than reading, my hobbies usually involve knocking down walls, the odd bit of plumbing, and hacking down the weeds that are going for world domination in the garden. My favourite meal is anything fishy, preferably sushi or shellfish, and when not indulging in the holiday Margaritas, I like the odd glass of red wine, or a single malt. Oh, and chocolate, of course! Strangely, for someone who loves all types of fiction, I didn’t consider writing any of my own until six years ago.
I was born in London, but spent most of my childhood in the Midlands. Since then I’ve been a bit of a nomad, having lived and/or worked in most parts of the UK. Now I’m settled on the South Coast about a mile away form the sea, along with my husband and our two rescue dogs, a hyperactive Jack Russell/Lab cross, (she’s about the size of a whippet!) and a couch-potato German Shepherd/Lab, who doubles as a tummy on legs.
About the Book:

All Genny wants is to live the quiet life and to do her job at Spellcrackers.com but there’s her tangled personal life to sort out first. She’s being haunted by ghosts who want her help. Her witch neighbours want her evicted. Genny’s sort-of-Ex – and now her new boss – can’t decide whether he wants their relationship to be business or pleasure now he knows all her darkest secrets. And then there’s the queue of vampires all wanting her to paint the town red – how long will it be before they stop taking ‘no’ for an answer and Genny’s life becomes even more complicated? But when one of her human friends is murdered by sidhe magic, Genny is determined to find the killer. Her efforts to find the real murderer lead her to some of the most dangerous and seductive fae – but her search is hindered by the vampires, who have their own political agenda. Then when all the evidence points to Genny – she’s the only sidhe fae in London – and she’s named the main suspect; it’s not long before she’s on the run – and not just from the police – but from some of London’s most powerful supernaturals.

Suzanne McLeod has generously offered personalized prizes for two (2) lucky winners! Look what you can win:
1 Signed UK copy oh The Cold Kiss Of Death
1 Signed German copy of Der Kalte Kuss des Todes
All you have to do is fill this
You can get an EXTRA entry by answering the question or just leaving a message or question for Suzanne in the comment section. (Only the form is required!)
Giveaway is International.
Please leave us a way to contact you (Email in blogger profile or twitter name is okay).
Giveaway ends Saturday July 25 and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Bonne Chance everyone!
About Caro The HEA Lover
Caroline is a HEA loving, yarn addicted French who's desperately hoping to get a HEA of her own. If she's not reading then she can be found knitting while listening to Audiobooks or watching Tv shows. Her secret addiction is reading websites that make fun at other people's expense (DYAC, Failbook)! Caroline also blogs at the Secret HEA Society with Susi.
Would you ever consider writing a book which was absolutely a one book story, where the protagonist is not going to reappear in another book or story? (for any reason including that they are dead!)
Great question, Antiqueight. I think I'd find it really hard, though I probably could if the book was a romance but then the characters would no doubt turn up as cameos in another book after they'd ended up with their HEA 🙂
I like books with the POV changing! I'm reading the Dark Guardians Series by rachel hawthorne and I like reading about the girls lives.
Congrats on the release! Do you use any real life inspirations for your characters?
I like both kinds but I like the one where thay change the mane characters more.Because you can get it two new stuff about people each time.
I LOVE that UK cover! Who did it?
I like multiple POV. It gives a full picture of the story that way. Many times books need to (but don't) visit the heroes take on things so you can really understand his actions.
I love the covers, the look so cool!
Kailia Sage: I haven't tried the Dark Guardians Series by Rachel Hawthorne, I'll have to check it out, thanks 🙂
Donnas: Thank you! Only the once, when my writing BFF insisted she wanted to be in my book. LOL! I've blogged about it here http://suzannemcleod.blogspot.com/2009/07/friends-as-characters-or-will-they.html 🙂
Stacey: Kelly Armstrong's books do that, and I love hers, especially when she brings back characters from older books into her new ones. Thanks for commenting 🙂
Nicole: Thank you! Yes, the cover gods (aka the Gollancz art department, no name in particular, sadly) have been good to me. All kudos to them 🙂
Victoria: You're right, that's a great point, and it's something that even when you only tell the story from one main character, you can slip in something magical to make it happen (always supposing you're writing fantasy :-))Thanks for commenting 🙂
Sandy!: Thank you! I love them too! I've been so lucky with both of the covers, which is all kudos to the publishers' art depts 🙂
congrats on your u.s release. I already finished The sweet scent of Blood and loved it. Genny is an interesting character and can't wait to see what happens between her and Malik 😀
I like books with one point of views, if there a multiple pov throughout a series i would probably not buy it. I like books that just focus on a certain group of characters.
Great post Suzanne! I read The Sweet Scent of Blood and loved it! It was awesome! Can't wait to read The Cold Kiss of Death!
I mostly like to stick with the same POV through a series but I don't mind a switch if the character is important and if I really want to know what's going on in their head. Like, I love Jocelynn Drake's Dark Days series and all the books are in Mira, the main character, POV except for Pray for Dawn which is in Danaus POV. And since he's a very important character I'm really excited to know what's going on in his head.
linaramz at yahoo dot com
I love the UK Cover,what is your inspiration to create the protagonists???
I like the same point of view through a series. For exp. Cat from the Night Huntress series (Jeaniene Frost), Mac from Fever (Karen Marie Moning), or Faythe from the Shifters series (Rachel Vincent). I don't mind a POV change though. Sometimes it's cool to see what's going through a different characters head.
I guess I like the same POV cause I feel like I know the character better and I know their thoughts better.
I adore the UK cover art very much! Would you consider doing prelude character books?
I must say, we share the same taste in seafood! I'm a huge fan of sushi and sashimi. Nothing better than the freshness of the ocean served with a dash of wasabi to spice it up ;D
Most of the UF books that I read are written in first person with no POV shift so I'm used to that, but I love it when I get different points of view. Ilona Andrews just posted some snippets from Curran's point of view on Smashwords (it's a free download and a very quick read) and it was great to read since usually all we get is Kate's viewpoint.
One series that shifts to different POVs in different books is Yasmine Galenorn's Sisters of the Moon series. The series features three sisters who alternate being the main character in each of the books.
I like both one and multiple POV. I normally get very attached to the narrator so naturally I want more books where I can connect but I love seeing the same situation from a totally unexpected POV.
van_pham: Thank you, Van! I'm delighted you loved it, and do hope you like what happens between Genny and Malik in the future 🙂
Anonymous Adelina: Thank you, Adelina, and I so pleased you loved the read, I hope you enjoy the next one too. I'm way behind on Jocelynn Drake's Dark Days series, as I've only read the first so far. Great book 🙂
Blogger Nathan: Thanks,it is a great cover, and kudos to Gollancz' art dept. My inspiration comes from asking what my protagonists want, and why, then I take it from there, with an *awful* lot of thinking and plotting time 🙂
Blogger rachel445: Two of my fav series there 🙂 But I'm behind on Karen Marie Moning's books, sadly. Thanks for commenting, Rachel 🙂
Blogger Grace: Thank you! I love it too! The cover gods have been good to me 🙂 Umm, I've not considered it so far, although I am writing a short story (can't say where yet, sorry) which is set timewise before book one, so it's always possible :-).
And yay! Sushi and sashimi FTW *g*
Blogger JenM: I LOVE Ilona Andrews's books! And Curran, of course. Tho' sadly I'm behind on Yasmine Galenorn's Sisters books. I read the first, which was great 🙂 Thanks for commenting.
Blogger EVA SB: I'm the same, Eva, I get very attached to the narrator in all my fav books. Thanks for commenting 🙂
i loved the first book, so am looking forward to getting my hands on book two.
I myself usually like to read books with just one POV as often in books with more POV's one or more of the different PoV characters/storylines isn't as interesting as the other and then I get impatient for the POV to switch again.
I prefer one pov but as long as it doesn't get confusing I am fine with multiple pov
I usually enjoy reading books from the same pov but I have loved reading a few books of different POV's in one book. I am really surprised at how well it has been handled lately. I have read books with different pov's in different books. I think I like the same pov, but that may be because it is the common thing. Hmmm. I guess it all depends on the book and style it is done in. 🙂 Thanks!
Blogger Sullivan McPig: Thank you, I'm delighted you loved the first book. And yes, there are times when a POV shift can make you impatient to get back to another character, especially when the author's left them on a cliffhanger *g*
Blogger throuthehaze: Thanks for commenting, and I mostly prefer one pov too, but I think it depends on the story 🙂
Blogger Melissa (My World…in words and pages): You're right, I think it does depend on the book and the style it's done in :-). Thanks for commenting.
i personally could go either way – it depends on the series….i do tend to read multiple pov's more, but some of my favorite series have been in first person….
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Both books are just awesome!!..
I finished filling the form!
thanxs a lot and wish me luck! 😛
Great Post Suzanne… You're so cute! =D
I like when the Viewpoints are the same! Well, I think we identify with that POV, and when we "get into" the book, we connect with that kind of thinking and end up thinking the same way! My opinion! Kisses, you were super nice!!
k_sunshine1977: Some of my fave series are in first person too :-)Saying that, one of my all time favs is Rachel Caine's Morganville books, which are in third, and I love the extra stories she does from the other character's pov. thanks for commenting 🙂
Blogger Diana: Thank you, Diana! I'm delighted you think they're awesome, and wishing you much good luck 🙂
Anonymous Salatiel Júnior: Aww, thank you, great you enjoyed the post 🙂 And you're right, when we can 'get into' a book, it makes for a much better read 🙂
I haven't read any of Suzanne's books. In fact this is the first time I have heard of them but I'll be sure to add them to my wish list
Q: Which kind of series do you like more the one with the same POV in each book or the one with changing POVs through the series? And most importantly…WHY? (Titles?)
A: It does not really matter to me. What matters is how the story is told. The story telling quality!
Carmen R: Thanks for commenting Carmen, I hope you enjoy them 🙂
Blogger Cherry: Thanks for stopping by, Cherry, and I agree, the story telling quality is always the big thing 🙂
That is really cool idea!I mean, to see dead people seeking us for help is creepy but quite adventurous too. I'm that brave enough to be all that sort of girl.Great premise!
I like one POV because it gets a little confusing after awhile. That's one of the reasons I still haven't read the latest House of Night book.
Great giveaway!!
Do you have any say for your book covers? If no, do you like the book covers they gave you?
Hm, not an easy question you ask. I usually prefer when the POV is not changing, I like to be in the skin of the main character and see the story through their eyes. However there is one author who makes different character narrate each book of hers: Kelley Armstrong, and she manages in making all her characters interesting and intriguing. But other than her I prefer to have the same narrator/character POV.
Thank you 🙂
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Darlyn: Thank you, Darlyn! Great you like the sound of it, and yes it does get creepy *g*
Blogger Ladytink_534: Thanks for commenting, and yes that's a great reason for just having one pov 🙂
Blogger Vidisha: Thank you 🙂
Blogger FionaChan: I get asked to put forward my ideas for the UK covers only, along with a description of Genny, but not for any of the others, but that's the only say I have. I do like all my covers, but I love the later ones better, but that might just be because they're newer 🙂 Thanks for commenting.
Blogger Stella (Ex Libris): I love Kelly Armstrong's books, and that's a great description of how one pov works well. Thanks for commenting, Stella 🙂