This winner of our We Love Your Comments Giveaway for December is……
who commented on our post “Join me on the Dark Side- The fabulous world of Science Fiction“:
Do I love SF? HAH! The only reason I even started reading fantasy was because the library shelved it with the SF. I am a SF junkie.
I (typically) started with Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern series back in elementary school. But now my tastes have matured (which basically means the covers of the books I am reading now involve fewer chicks straddling the back of a dragon).
Doris Egan’s Gate of Ivory trilogy is spectacular. As is all of Sheri Tepper’s earlier works (not too crazy about her current novel).
I’ve just recently discovered Adam Troy Castro – a lawyer in space. What’s not to love?
If you go more for the lyrical writing styles, and are only just branching off of urban fantasy, then I’d recommend Solstice by Ulisses Silva or Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls by …..someone whose name I can’t recall. The former book is very dark, while the latter is more literary (the main character speaks only in quotations).
Congrats hon! Just drop us an email in the next 72 hours to claim your price (Contact US link in the menu bar at the top).
We will now start counting for January. Here again the rules:
We thought long and hard about how we should show you, the readers of Book Lovers Inc how much we appreciate your input and interaction. We are happy and grateful for every comment cuz we know how it is to be a “blog-hopper”. We enjoy reading your thoughts and we love to start a good discussion with you. This blog is all about spreading the love for books and without you that mission would be lost.
We pondered how to give some of the love, you give to us with your comments, back.
So our new “We Love Your Comments Giveaway” was born.
We will buy you a
book ($10 tops) at The Book Depository.
You can choose whatever you want and get one title off your wishlist.
The giveaway is open to everyone who can receive books from The Book Depository.
How do you enter this giveaway?
Because January is Blogoversary month we are changing the rules for this months only. Every meaningful comment will count- giveaway post or not! It doesn’t matter if it is an old or a new post. We get an email for every new comment so you don’t have to worry about that.
At the end of each month we will draw a random winner from all the comments of the month.
We will post the winner each 1st of the month and open the new giveaway for the next round. Be sure to check back at that time!
About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
What a wonderful idea. I'm so glad to be the first to post here in the New Year! January is my Birthday month and books are my love, so what better way to start off the New Year!
What a great way to start the new year 🙂
Congrats on the win. Happy New Year, everyone.
Happy New Year to you all. 😀
Whoo-hoo! That's me! I win, I win, I win….
Oh wait, now I have to pick a book. This is AWESOME!
Congrats Draconismoi!
So glad I've come across your blog (through the wonderful Lea) Looking forward to seeing what you have planned in 2011 🙂
Congrats to the winner!
Happy New Year all!
Congratulations. Happy New Year.