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Post Thumbnail of Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Well after last week’s bonanza of news – things are pretty quiet this week, but I have some fantastic books/covers to watch out for and a few tidbits that will please a few people.

We have a bit of an update of Trisha Telep and the Wicked Pretty Things anthology.More authors have pulled out , Brenna Yovanoff, Seanan McGuire , along with Karen Mahoney and Lesley Livingston, Lisa Mantchev and Jessica Verdey. While Melissa Marr has announced she does not want her name to be associated with this anthology in any manner to recommend it. But that is not all, authors Ann Aguirre and Saundra Mitchell have also pulled out in a different anthology again edited by Telep. I definitely think now, Wicked Pretty Things anthology wont go ahead with its current form with only 7 of …

Post Thumbnail of Interview: Author Lisa Mantchev

Interview: Author Lisa Mantchev

Today we’re happy to welcome Lisa Mantchev, author of Eyes Like Stars and Perchance to Dream on Book Lovers Inc. I’m guessing the fairies followed her so let’s hide the cupcakes everyone!

The HEA Lover: Lisa, can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Lisa: I am a temporally displaced Capricorn with a fondness for dessert.

The HEA Lover: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?

Lisa: A typical day writing involves not just writing, but emailing, conducting interviews for blogs, posting links on Facebook and Twitter, and trying to keep my daughter suitably occupied while I work.

As for the planning vs. pantsing question, I’d say I’m a weird hybrid of both… I outline extensively, but the outlines are fluid during drafting (often getting rewritten several times) and then my drafts usually undergo extensive …

Interview,Lisa Mantchev,The HEA Lover     24 May 2010 Comments Off on Interview: Author Lisa Mantchev
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