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Dual Review: Contract for Marriage by Barbara DeLeo

Format Read: e-book provided by the publisher
Release Date: September 15th 2012
Number of Pages: 132 pages
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Formats Available: Kindle Edition, e-book
Purchasing Info: Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Author’s Website, Publisher

Book Blurb:

Pregnant and alone after her ex-lover’s death, magazine editor Ruby Fleming’s not about to give up her home to the man who broke her heart—until she discovers her mother left half of the estate to somebody else, and she realizes she’s trapped.

Property tycoon Christo Mantazis wants the one thing his riches can’t buy—the villa where his mother has lived and worked as housekeeper for forty years. That it’s the same house he was banished from after being caught making love to the owner’s irresistible daughter stirs up old memories, and now he wants her more than ever.

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