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Guest post by Robyn Thomas + Giveaway

Today we are happy to introduce you to Robyn Thomas, whose debut novel His Unexpected Family was realesed just last month in Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line. I was curious to learn how His Unexpected Family came to be published and what the experience of getting THE CALL was like for Robyn, so I am glad to share her story with you and you could even win a copy of her book!

The Adventure of Getting Published

Getting published has been an enormous adventure for me. And absolutely worth it! Would I have started out on the journey if I knew what it was going to entail? Uh, no, probably not. But life is like that, and the things worth having inevitably take time and effort.

The very first time I submitted a story it caught an editor’s attention, and I thought I had it made. Could I write another story in the …

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