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The International Giveaways Café (2)

Last week, we introduced our latest grand scheme to bring the book blogging world into a cozier community by sharing links to International giveaways in one central location: here, at The International Giveaways Café! (You can check back to the original post to see our sentiments behind this idea.)

The housekeeping has been done, so each contest listed below should still be in action. Now’s the time to sit back, grab your fave beverage (personally, I’m a big fan of the café latté), and maybe even a pastry too, and start perusing the currents links or add your own.  Bon appétit!

Here’s a reiteration of the guidelines:

If you have a giveaway you would like to share with our other readers, the rules are simple:
1. The giveaway MUST be available to international addresses (Book Depository does count)
2. Add your link below, in the format shown.
3. Remove your link when the giveaway …

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