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The BLI Holiday Reading Challenge 2011 – Sign Up

I am not a big fan of winter. I dread the moment the days become shorter, colder and sunshine becomes a rarity. There is only one thing which redeems winter to me and that is Christmas!
Hi Everyone, I am Stella and I’m Christmas-aholic. I love everything about Christmas: the preparation, the cookies, the gift wrapping, the decorations, the reindeers and cinnamon and Christmas carols, and I could go on and on. So of course now that the weather is becoming chilly I am looking forward to the end of December! 🙂 And what better way to start the preparations than reading holiday themed novels?
So please join me in  Book Lovers Inc’s first annual Holiday Reading Challenge! *throws confetti*
Here are the main rules, but don’t hesitate to ask if anything’s unclear:

Challenge Rules:

1. The BLI Holiday Reading Challenge will start on November 10 and will end on December 31.

2. You can read as many …

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