I am not a big fan of winter. I dread the moment the days become shorter, colder and sunshine becomes a rarity. There is only one thing which redeems winter to me and that is Christmas!
Hi Everyone, I am Stella and I’m Christmas-aholic. I love everything about Christmas: the preparation, the cookies, the gift wrapping, the decorations, the reindeers and cinnamon and Christmas carols, and I could go on and on. So of course now that the weather is becoming chilly I am looking forward to the end of December! 🙂 And what better way to start the preparations than reading holiday themed novels?
So please join me in Book Lovers Inc’s first annual Holiday Reading Challenge! *throws confetti*
Here are the main rules, but don’t hesitate to ask if anything’s unclear:
Challenge Rules:
1. The BLI Holiday Reading Challenge will start on November 10 and will end on December 31.
2. You can read as many holiday themed books for the challenge as you wish, pick your
Santa’s Helper: read 1-3 holiday themed books
Serial Mistletoe-er: read 4-6 holiday themed books
Candy Cane-aholic: read 7 or more holiday themed books – this is the level I’m aiming for! 🙂
3. The books you read for this challenge must all be holiday related books. The holiday doesn’t matter, it can be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. and the story can have any connection to the holiday (for example set around Christmastime, or having Santa or an elf as a character, the cover being festive, etc.).
4. The format, length or genre of the books do not matter, they can be ebooks, paperbacks, audiobooks, and short stories and novellas do count as well. It’s okay for the book to overlap with other challenges. The only thing is that they can’t be children’s books, but YA novels are good. Re-reads are also fine.
5. Start the challenge by signing up! Leave a link back to your challenge post in the linky below.
If you don’t have a blog, no problem, you can still sign up with your name and e-mail address.
(There will be posts later where you can leave your links to the reviews and of course there will be a challenge wrap up post at the end).
6. And of course there will be
prizes! There will be separate giveaways where you can win some holiday themed novels (the rules for those will be set out on the separate posts) and there will be the Big Giveaway: at the end of the challenge we will draw a winner from all the review links. Meaning the more books you read, review and link up, the more chances you have at winning. 🙂 The winner will have their choice of any holiday themed book under 10 USD.
And now that the rules are set, let’s start the challenge!
Here is our festive challenge button, feel free to display it on your blog or site, and we would be grateful if you spread the word, the more the merrier! 🙂

If you’d like to join the fun of the Holiday Reading Challenge 2010, please sign up below using the Linky.
You can link up your reviews for the challenge HERE.
You can find some holiday read recommendations HERE.
About Stella
Stella is a proud bookaholic and a self-taught multilinguist in training. Besides reading, her other great passions are travelling and baking. When she is not globetrotting she lives in sunny Budapest, where she loves to spend her free time preparing (and feasting on) delicious cookies or devouring equally yummy books. Her favourite genres are urban fantasy and romance and she couldn't live without her daily dose of sunshine. Besides being the Latin Lover on BLI Stella also blogs about books and a bookish life on Ex Libris.
Just signed up 🙂
Yay! This is a holiday-themed celebration that I can definitely go for. ^_^
Hey Gaby and Alisha! Welcome, glad you joined us in getting prepared for the holidays by setting the mood with some nice holiday reading 🙂
Hmmm…can't think of very much holiday-themed SF. At least not novel length….
I'm too far behind on my regular TBR list to add additional holiday-themed books. Good luck to y'all!
I'll have to see if I have any holiday themed books in my TBR pile…
Just signed up! Although, I only put my name "Angela" as the linky thing instead of also adding my blogs name. Anyways, it's The Little Blue Pig ^.^
Hi Angela! 🙂 No problem, don't worry, we have the link so will be able to follow your progress and get in touch, that's all that matters. Good luck with the challenge and if you need some holiday book suggestions we will post a quite varied list, hopefully everyone will find a few novels they find interesting 🙂
This is perfect! It's exactly what I needed to get me moving on all those Christmas books in my TBR. Thanks for hosting, Stella! 🙂
I'm ready …. it feels like christmas here cause it snowed , yay.
I saw this on Stella blog and loved the idea since I was already going to read three books about Christmas. Maybe even more, right?
Psique @ Book Travels
Sounds fun, Stella! I love Christmas…favorite holiday. I signed up.
That'll teach me to internet before I'm completely awake, forgot to include my URL!! 🙂 My Blog URL for The Faery Romantic Librarian is thefaeryromanticlibrarian.blogspot.com – look forward to doing this challenge!
Hi I just wanted to let you know the links on the button don’t work .
Hi Jackie, what do you mean the “links on the button”? You mean when you click on the Holiday Challenge Badge it doesn’t take you to the right place? It might be due to our changing hosts, will take a look into it, Thank you!
oh and I like your new design btw 🙂
Better late than never, I just joined the challenge. Looking forward to seeing what everyone’s reading and feeling the Christmas spirit through some great holiday reads!
Welcome Christine! Oh you’re not late, we just started the party early 😀 Good luck with the challenge and enjoy those delicious holiday stories!
Thanks, Stella! 🙂
Sounds like fun! I’m in! I also blogged about your reading challenge. 🙂
Hey Robyn, welcome to the Challenge! 🙂 Thanks for spreading the word and good luck! 🙂
How do you sign up when you don’t have a website?
Hi Marissa, just enter your name and e-mail address. If you do post reviews on Goodreads, Shelfari, etc. then put that profile link in the URL part, but if you don’t post your reviews online, no problem, just leave your name and e-mail. 🙂
Thanks. It wasn’t letting me submit without a website entered, but I can enter my Goodreads page. 🙂