Today is the day we waited for soooooo long. It’s the release day of This Side of the Grave by the one and only Jeaniene Frost. This Side of the Grave is the 5th book in Night Huntress series and we, here at Book Lovers Inc, can’t wait to read what Cat & Bones will have to fight next.
In honor of this special date we thought we should tell the world why we love this series so much and because only our crazy talk wouldn’t actually say much we invited some twitter peeps to help us spread the love. We asked our followers on twitter why they love this series and why they would love to get a …ahem…signed….ahem….copy of
This Side of the Grave and here we will share the best answers with you. I hope you will agree with what everyone thinks and if you haven’t read these books perhaps you will give them a chance now. Be sure to tell us what your reason for loving this series is and perhaps this ominous signed copy will be yours soon.
But first here are our top 10 reasons to love these books:
10. The writing! – Never before have I managed to read a 300+ page book in under 4 hours.
9. Strong minded, possessive lovers who aren’t above being jealous and making up after that. *wink*
8. It has Bones in it! – accent, powers, protectiveness, hotness, awesomeness all inclusive.
7. A kick-ass heroine with an attitude to die for – and a liver to die for.
6. Chapter 32 – The best way to annoy anyone who doesn’t know what you’re talking about, because it is the best chapter in the world!
5. The best sidecast you can wish for- a great mix of everything. Some are annoying (see mother in law from hell), some crazy (not sure if I’m brave enough to point at anyone LOL), some are just themselves (no better way to describe Vlad) but they all make these books into so much more!
4. Laugh out loud, embarrass yourself on the bus humour. My sides hurt with these books.
3. A traditional yet refreshed take on the vampire genre. It keeps to the basics but creates a world of its own.
2. Emotions that will touch you in many ways- you won’t only laugh your ass off you will also cry like a little baby and won’t be able to stop.
1. BONES BONES BONES BONES BONES (let’s not kid ourselves, he’s the main reason we read the books *wink* – and if we weren’t afraid of death by Cat, many of us would be wishing he were real so we could steal him)
See all reason you just can’t ignore! But you aren’t convinced yet?
Here’s a selection of what the twitterverse thinks:
@SmashAttackAsh says:
#whyIwantTSotG Obvious reasons: More Cat & Bones relationship development, as well as SMEXY time, action, humor, love. Not so obvious reasons: VLAD! VLAD! VLAD!
Because Cat is a smoking hot sh!t, & Bones won’t put up with her sh!t…& they love each other anyway! #whyIwantTSotG
@RBtWBC says:
Def. CH32 is one of MANY reasons, and I can’t wait for TSotG to read CH21! #whyIwantTSotG
Well that would be because Bones has to be the hottest vamp character in fiction… #whyIwantTSotG
@scarletredwill says:
Trench coats and spike heeled boots! Need I say more! #whyIwantTSotG Kick ASS HOT LOVE STORY
Suspense, danger and an all encompassing drool-worthy raunchiness; I’m all a need for my dose of feisty reaper, bad boy vamp. #whyIwantTSotG
@MyNeedToRead says:
#whyIwantTSotG b/c It’s way more fun n exciting watchin Cat gnaw on HER Bones than seeing even the cutest dog do the same. ^_^
<3 Cat &Bones cause they don’t give up on each other. Whether it’s a battle or someone coming between them, they work it out. #whyIwantTSotG
@melmel8888 says:
#whyIwantTSotG I <3 cat & bones because it’s such a good series about a couple that never lose their love no matter what obstacle faces them
Because Frost makes vampires, Cat and Bones, shine without the sparkle! #whyIwantTSotG
@StacyMaynard says:
#whyIwantTSotG Cat and Bones rock. They are hot, loyal and have fantastic chemistry
Danger waits on both sides of the grave.
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her vampire husband Bones have fought for their lives, as well as for their relationship. But just when they’ve triumphed over the latest battle, Cat’s new and unexpected abilities threaten to upset a long-standing balance . . .
With the mysterious disappearance of vampires, rumors abound that a species war is brewing. A zealot is inciting tensions between the vampires and ghouls, and if these two powerful groups clash, innocent mortals could become collateral damage. Now Cat and Bones are forced to seek help from a dangerous “ally”—the ghoul queen of New Orleans herself. But the price of her assistance may prove more treacherous than even the threat of a supernatural war . . . to say nothing of the repercussions Cat never imagined.
Jeaniene has generously offered a signed copy of This Side of the Grave for one lucky commenter OR tweeter.
Just tell us why you love this series and why YOU need to get a signed copy of TSotG.
Leave us a comment here or tweet about it using the hashtag #whyIwantTSotG. Or do both and each one counts as ONE entry.
(you can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email in blogger profile or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry)
This giveaway is open worldwide!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, February 26, 2011; and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!

About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
I need to win because I haven't tried this series yet and it sounds amazing! Plus, I need to read chapter 32! 🙂
I love everyone's responses! This is truly a series loved by many. I find Jeaniene's humor right up my alley. I definitely enjoy her witty responses. The life of Cat & Bones is thrilling, humorous, lustful, loving, adventurous, and just plain ole FUN! Those 2 would walk through Hell and back for each other and they would do it with their head held high and their fangs fully extended! Their dedication to one another is disgustingly amazing.
Plus, we have VLAD! (Total Vlad fangirl to the max!)
Thank you so much for this opp to win the book!!
SmashAttackReads at gmail dot com
Oh, Dear God, thank you for the giveaway! I can't wait to read This Side of the Grave finally! I live in Hungary and in case of books, it takes a while to be available. I've been counting down the days since december, I think.
Why I need to get a signed copy of it? Because it would be an eternal memory to get a pack from the postman which incloude a singed copy of my favurite series. And I could push it under my mum's nose and say, "See, Mum, I have a book from Jeanine Frost!" 😛
So thanks again,
Because not since Buffy, have I been this thoroughly addicted to a vampire story. And Bones, that vamp that when you read about him talking, it makes your toes curl.
bookluv @ ymail . com
I love this series and would love to win a copy. This series is not only fun but it's so full of action. There is never a dull moment and we get to hang with a bunch of different paranormal creatures.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I love this series. One reason… heh… chpt. 32. 😉
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love this series mostly because of Bones. He's one sexy and charming badass! He's funny and not too intense, and his accent is awesome.
I would really, really LOVE a signed copy of This Side of the Grave because it would be so cool to have a signed book from one of my favorite authors!
I would love to love the series, but I haven't read any of it YET! All the more reason to enter this giveaway, as the storyline really intrigues me!
danaan at gmx dot at
I need this book because I have not read any of the series yet!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
I adore this series! I love absolutely everything about it! I need this book because I can't seem to find it at my stores!! I'm freaking out! None of my bookstores have it and I need to read it asap! Of course I am willing to wait a little while for a signed copy! 😉
I would LOVE to win this giveaway so l can try this author for the first time! I have heard amazing things out this book and would love love to try it and having a signed book means a lot to me =)
booksforcompany @
Your Top 10 list is stellar. I can't top that.
I'll just throw my name in by saying I need this book to add to my collection of signed first editions that I love. (Email in profile.) Thanks for a fun giveaway and column.
I love your Top 10 list. I love that there is still humor in their relationship. I also love that they still face obstacles even when they are now finally together. I love that the side characters were given their stories too. This series is one of the most well-rounded series with development of the characters and keeping the plot fresh. I absolutely love this series!
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I HAVE to win this signed book because the Night Huntress series is one of my favorites and I can't wait to read it!
I'm always lloking for new series to read, sounds good!
I need to win because I haven't read this series yet and it looks amazing. I want to know what it's all about.
I'm already in love with this series and I'm only halfway through the first book. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'm really liking this series so I would love love love to have a signed copy of This Side of the Grave to feed my addiction!
Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
Loving the Reviews Challenge
I love this series & I think my favorite part is that Bones doesn't give up on Cat & the love they have for each other. I would love to win a copy because for some reason I have not pre-ordered it like I normally do.
jopmav AT gmail DOT com
Why do I love the series? Cat and Bones that is why. I love these characters. I cannot wait to see what happens this time.
terilhack at yahoo dot com
When the first book came out, I read it and I was hooked. I've impatiently waited for each new book, as well as the spin off books. I love Cat, she's such a strong, driven woman. I wasn't sure about Bones when he first appeared, but then I realized what a great match he was for Cat, and I love his devotion to her. In each book these characters have become more interesting, more powerful and more unforgettable than before. I can't wait to read This Side of the Grave.
Barbed1951 at
I haven't started the series yet. I have the first book on audio but I keep hearing about this Bones person and I find I must know more!!!
I love this series and I need my Bones fix! He's so very Spike-esque but still his own character.
Why do I love this series – Bones, Bones, Bones!!! I love Cat too, but it's Bones' absolute devotion to Cat that just makes me melt. A signed copy would look so awesome on my bookshelf.
jen at delux dot com
I am new to this series, but after reading the raves I know I will seek them out.
I need to win because I have never read this series and it sounds really good.
I love this series because Frost is able to grab me emotionally with her writing about Cat and Bones's constantly evolving relationship. And I need a signed copy because, well, because it would just be cool to have.
I love this series as Jeaniene isn't afraid for Cat and Bones to make the tough choices and live with the consequences! Plus the series just keeps getting better…and the first book was excellent! 🙂
Not only do I love this series for all the gorgeous men but the action is hard core awesome! The reason why I need to win this book is because I need to see what all this talk about chapter 21 is all about.
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
I so need a Bones fix. Would love to win this and see what the hubbaloo is about CH 21 in this book.
Omg! This is an awesome giveaway because I absolutely love this series! Reasons why I love this series would be because it has all the elements I enjoy (action, adventure, paranormal and romance) and Jeaniene is an amazing author who can incorporate all of that into a great plot. Of course, Bones is a big reason too because he is absolutely swoon worthy. Now why I need to get a signed copy would be because I don't live in the States, so it's kind of impossible for me to attend signings myself to get my books signed… so thanks for the opportunity to win!
Is Chapter 32 the best chapter in the world? 🙂
I have never read this series but I have heard amazing things aut this book. I can´t wait to read it!