Today I’m here to tell you a secret. Last week I was in a crazy frenzy. You know the kind when all you can think about is how fantastic a story was and you keep thinking about it long after it finished.
Want to know what started it? I read a novel which opened my eyes and made me discover a whole new world of romance stories: the military romance subgenre!
And after my crazy enthusiasm for said novel I went on a Goodreads rampage and searched for hours and hours becoming more and more enthralled by all the wonderful novels and series I found in the genre! Who knew military romance existed? And that it was so mindblowingly great?
If you think the military romance subgenre can be swept under the “romantic suspense” category you are mistaken. This is so much more than that! Let me tell you why…
I have always loved novels and movies set around the time of the world wars, there was something special and different about any stories taking place then. That feeling of doom and danger, that the characters lived their lives not knowing if today would be their last day and this added something thrilling and more
je ne sais quoi to the romance aspect. Everything becomes more intense, more focused when put in this perspective of urgency and fatality.
I have read several romance novels where the hero was an ex cop/marine/navy/army guy, but
Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross made me see the light and the difference between these novels only featuring a hero once having experienced army life and showing a glossed and overly romanticized way of the military; and novels which seem life-like and are gripping in their dramatic realism.
I never knew military romance could be like this. If written well it makes your heart pound, your breath pant and you feel like you went through rounds and hours of exhausting and draining turmoil. Which let’s be honest the reader in us (ok, ok, the action junkie in us) will love. And you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch and still feel as if you experienced extreme panic and relief.

Don’t think that military romance stories are simply action novels. Oh no, they are so much more. Besides the action packed plot there is a mystery, with the thrill of the chase and imminent danger, there is sometimes the forbidden aspect which makes the romance even sweeter (and more exciting), and then there is the romance. *sighs* Every interaction, every dialogue, gesture is intensified in military romances due to this sense of urgency and impending danger.0
I was in a frenzy for days researching the best military romance novels, authors and series and compiled a separate Goodreads shelf just for them (to which I added 68 books in 2 days…), if you would like to get your taste of military romance and discover a fantastic romance subgenre,
browse my Goodreads compilation.
And if you’d like even more recommendations here are a few category lists from Goodreads:
Are you a fan of the military romance subgenre?
Have you heard of it? Did you read any such novels?
Care to share any recommendations?
About Stella
Stella is a proud bookaholic and a self-taught multilinguist in training. Besides reading, her other great passions are travelling and baking. When she is not globetrotting she lives in sunny Budapest, where she loves to spend her free time preparing (and feasting on) delicious cookies or devouring equally yummy books. Her favourite genres are urban fantasy and romance and she couldn't live without her daily dose of sunshine. Besides being the Latin Lover on BLI Stella also blogs about books and a bookish life on Ex Libris.
Personally I'm a fan of both novels based in a military setting or where the hero / heroine is ex-military and has all the issues/personality quirks that go with it.
It's one of the things that caught my eye about Denise Agnew's Major Pleasure (link is to my review).
Enjoy your hunt for military romances!!! I love it when I find a new type of book to enjoy.
My boyfriend reads (and listens to via audiobook) many military action books so I've never felt like reading military romances. I knew such a subgenre existed but I never sought them out since I had enough through his books although the ones he listened to rarely end up with HEAs or even HFNs.
I would recommend JoAnn Ross's "high Risk" series which is fast-paced, action-packed and features some pretty appealing military heroes.
@wanderinghues: Oh no, there's nothing wrong with a more civilian setting and having an ex-army hero (which only adds something to his characterisation), there are several novels which fit this mopdel and I love them, it's just that strict military romance is different. Packs more heat with that frisson of danger. Thank you for the recommendation, will check out your review 🙂
@Sheree: If you like action packed thrilling books I'm sure you'll love this genre as it combines romance and danger, a special romantic suspense kind of world worthy to be discovered 😀
@Na: Thank you, yes I have added her series to my "military romance wishlist", hopefully I'll get to it soon 😉
Generally, I would put military romance in the romantic suspense genre. I’ve read a few from your Goodreads list—books by Foster and Melton.
One of my favorite mystery/thriller writers, Lee Child, has a former military man as his protagonist (Reacher.) I don’t know if you’ve read any of Julia Spencer-Fleming’s novels, but this year’s One Was a Soldier is a wonderful book and it offers insight into the problems faced by returning soldiers. Lori Armstrong’s award winning novels, No Mercy and Mercy Kill, feature heroine Mercy Gunderson, a U.S. Army sniper. Thanks for an interesting post.
I have read…I do fear only one book 😉 But yes I liked it!
I usually don't get into military themes, but I will give a few a shot and see if it sucks me never knows until you try.
Thanks for the recommendations.
Love military romances. You'd be surprised at the level of romantic elements in some of the top military series, especially when it's taken into account that they are written by men for men. It's not always Bondish with it's inherent misogyny and sometimes rather sweet. Unfortunately for me, I like my military romances as Tom Clancy with romance/smut instead of Nora Roberts with uniforms. Thanks for the recs. I just picked up The Medusa Project. It was entertaining despite being under the shackles of a category romance.