Format read: review copy provided by author
Release Date: 26 July 2011
Number of pages: 38 pages
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Formats available: ebook
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Decadent Publishing, B&N, Kobo, Smashwords, ARe
Book Blurb:
Sabrina Wayne yearns for the perfect mates to fill the void in her heart. As a werepuma Beta, she is driven to find the strongest Alpha to submit too, or in her case, Alphas. Sabrina craves the delicious softness of a woman as well as the rugged strength of a man. She has almost given up finding the right couple when she takes a leap of faith and allows Madame Evangeline of the 1Night Stand matchmaking service to set her on what Madame Eve promises will be an evening she’ll never forget.
Alphas Nick and Madeline Turea have been searching for a woman like Sabrina for a very long time. After a disastrous relationship with a former Beta female, the couple has been extremely cautious to let anyone else get close to them or the Amber Moon pride. When Madame Evangeline contacts them about a possible match, both are eager to meet the beautiful woman who may complete their family. A night of reckless desire and burning hot passion leads to an unknown danger that might destroy Sabrina’s one chance at a perfect love. She must learn to surrender to the power of her Alphas and gain their trust before it’s too late.
My Thoughts:
I read my fair share of menage stories but I have to admit this one was my first with two woman and a man. I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I would even like to read about it. Even more this is a short story and I was a bit scared that the characterization or the world building wouldn’t be enough to pitch the threesome line to me. It did work for me and that rather good. *wink*
We meet Sabrina in the middle of the woods waiting for her blind-date with an alpha couple. She knows their names and which pride they belong to but nothing more than that. On the one hand she is excited and hopes to finally find her mates but on the other she’s already prepared for dissapointment. Sabrina was fun- she is a beta but still she felt very strong to me. She took a chance with the blind date.
Madeline is a blond sex bomb or that is what her looks want to make us believe. She is after all a strong alpha leading a pack of shifters. She is desperate to find a girl that both, herself and her mate Nick would like. After a bad incident in their past Nick is reluctant to let another woman near Madeline even though they both need the release a beta could give them.
I loved the how this story just felt so smooth. The conversations between these two girls were awesome- they made the story so much more vibrant. The teasing and joking was fun to read about and well it was so hot to see them explore their sexuality. Surprisingly I liked that the girls met alone first and the first sexual encounter only happened between them. It was new and different to me but well very very hot.
The plot itself was a bit predictable but I think this story lives more through the character interaction. Amber Moon was a surprising fast read that will leave you hot and happy at the end. Shifters alone in the woods- what is not to love.
I give Amber Moon 4 stars.
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About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
So glad you enjoyed it! I find a good M/F/F menage to be rather hot, but it's a delicate balance to make sure that everyone's needs, emotional and physical, are met. I'm really glad that I managed to pull that off for you and thank you again for the fantastic review!