It is my pleasure today to introduce one of our awesome followers/commenters here at Book Lovers Inc. Melissa from My World…in words and pages has been one of the first blogging friends that I’ve made personally, and a great supporter of BLI. She’s a fantastic reviewer and Twitter conversationalist. So, without further ado, here’s what Melissa has shared with us for our momentous celebration:
First things first, CONGRATS to BookLovers Inc!!! This is one huge accomplishment, and I’m so glad to be here for the fun. Congrats on 1000 followers! I love stopping by to visit and chatting with you all everywhere, here, Twitter, your blogs… everywhere. And thank you for inviting me to join in the fun.
What am I sharing with you all today? Well, we all have the book shelves. And as Book Lovers we enjoy sharing them with others who enjoy the thought of loaded book shelves as well. I don’t have many people around home to share them with, or who appreciate them like my book friends here, so when Susi asked this was what I jumped to do.
My shelves are not very big. I just started my book collecting about 4 years ago. I was not much of a book reader until then for many reasons, but one was time with work and I hadn’t found my niche yet. Now I have….
Read Shelves:
This first shelf is the first one I got. I have my Fantasy books stacked here. My favorite 2 series on top; Michael Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations and Ken Scholes The Psalms of Isaak. The top two shelves are all my best Fantasy reads. Then the bottom shelf is the YA books I’ve read and loved. I’m still diving into YA reads so there are not as many books there yet. You see some art work I’ve picked up at conventions and my genie lamp. I do rub it every once in a while hoping to get three wishes… hasn’t happened yet. Oh, those book totes beside the shelf… yes, I keep a few shoes there so my two German shepherd girls don’t get them, but yes there are books in those as well. Those books are ones I have read and since not on the very top of my list and I’m limited on space (until husband is able to build the huge shelves that will take the whole wall) I have to tuck some away. But I keep them close at hand to pick back up at any time.

This is a stand I got from an online furniture site. I purchased this one as when I get my home built shelves I can take this one to the game room or living room to hold movies and such. But here, it’s stuffed full of Urban Fantasy books I’ve read and loved. They are all amazing reads!
My TBR Shelves:
As I am still venturing into the YA reads, this end stand I have in front of the window has some acquired YA books that are my TBR pile of YA. And I have my Orchid as well as artwork I picked up at conventions. I can’t wait to get into these books! I’m currently working on Enclave with my son, so that is just the cover sitting there, so it doesn’t get ruined.

This tall corner stand is an old stand I had that my husband wanted to get rid of. I couldn’t let a perfectly good stand (that could hold books!) go to waste, so I snagged it up and filled it. This shelf has a mixture of Fantasy and Urban Fantasy TBR piles. The top two shelves are Fantasy and the next two are Urban Fantasy. And there is my little stuffed devil my son gave me for Halloween one year. He won it in one of those claw games at a restaurant, but I loved it and he gave it to me! That doesn’t happen too often the older they get. The purse is from Greece, where my boss’s wife visited a few years ago and brought back one for each of us in the office. Such nice people.

This large shelf is the one that is at my right hand, beside my desk. This one is packed to the hilt with books as well. The very top shelf is review books I have to read. The second to top shelf is one I keep packing on to read next. Yeah, doesn’t happen, but I REALLY want to read these books. Then I keep my calendar and such, the next shelf is Urban Fantasy TBR, and the bottom shelf has YA books TBR along with a few reference books for me.

Then the last shelf is this little lovely hanging on the wall right beside my desk. I love this one. I don’t know why, but I just love the way it looks and that it’s on the wall. The little guy on top is a beanie baby my son had and made his way to my den. The top shelf is books to read for review. The middle and bottom shelves are books I just received this past week. They will get filed among the other TBR shelves on Monday after my Monday’s Beginnings post.
I’m always moving books around on these shelves. I’m always looking for a neater look, then I add tons more and have to start over again. Lol. But I do enjoy the books.
Thank you for joining me on a tour of my book shelves 🙂 I really had fun sharing them with you. Thank you Book Lovers Inc. for having me by as well!!Keep up the amazing work here.
A designated weekly TBR shelf?! How incredibly organized! What do you all think Melissa’s bookshelves?
Places to find Mel:
Blog, Twitter, Goodreads, facebook
Leave a comment here for Melissa and you’ll be entered into a draw for a swag pack of bookish goodies (buttons, bookmarks and more!)
(You’re also getting an extra entry for the main giveaway if you entered our Big 1000 Followers Giveaway here.)
Please leave us a way to contact you. (Email or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open worldwide! Giveaway ends on October 22 and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
About Jackie
Jackie is a quirky mom, living in Ontario, Canada. She's a bookkeeper by day and a book lover by night. She also blogs at The Novel Nation and writes occasionally for Heroes and Heartbreakers.
Wow – such beautifully organised shelves Melissa! I love the different types of bookshelves…and I love being nosy! 🙂
Mel S
Very nice!! 🙂 I wish I had as many shelves as you!
You are very organised in your reading. A weekly tbr shelf would so not work for me as I always keep skipping books and bumping others up on my tbr pile.
Thanks for sharing your shelves, Melissa! They look very organized. I am out of space for my books. I should make a trip to IKEA, although I have no space for another bookshelf & I refuse to buy ebooks only. It's a dilemma.
I have entered the 1000 followers giveaway.
natalija (dot) shkomare (at) gmail (dot) com
Such a great display of shelves! Since I moved in I haven't gotten around to fixing my room up, because of work and such. Now, I'm dying to!
I also entered the 1000 followers giveaway! Congrats again:)
That's a lot of shelves! Of course, this comes from the woman who has kept most of her books in boxes for the last eight years… *embarrassed*
So many TBR books! How do you decide which one to read next?
The sleepwalker in my says that though that last shelf is really cool, it would lead to an awkward number of bruises on my arms and torso.
(Seriously, no one believes adults sleepwalk, and I keep getting concerned looks when I go to work limping and/or bruised).
cas at sigmadog dot com
The bruised sleepwalker (#8) was me! I am absolutely terrible at using my computer with just my left hand….
You're shelves are a lot neater than mine!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
Jackie, And every one here at BLI. Thank you all for the kind words and kindness. 🙂 I love stopping by to visit. You are all wonderful.
And I'm so thrilled I get to share my shelves with everyone now. 🙂
Mel – Thank you! And I'm glad you are being nosy. ;D I don't get to share the shelves at home so thought this was a great place to do so when given the chance to do it. 🙂
Sullivan McPig – Well, I try to be organized…I lose books so easily if not, and don't remember what I have, so I have to be able to see them all. lol. I think I have an OCD. ;D
Natalija – Oh, I need to make a trip to IKEA with you. ;D We could shop together. ;D Thank you!
Natasha – lol. Oh, I know the feeling. When we moved I had to make time and my husband got bothered that I was fixing up my den before anything else in the house, hee hee. Books are important. ;D Thank you!
Marissa – Don't be embarrassed! I have totes with books here as well. But I try to keep them where I can get to them. Not always enough room for all the books we have. 🙂 Thank you!
Janelle – lol. That is the problem! I can never decide what to read next. lol! But I try to pick what I'm in the mood for so I get the best from all the books when read. 🙂 thank you!
Sleepwalker – Oh, that last shelf is above my desk just so I don't walk into it. Goodness, I would have all sorts of bumps on my head. ;D Thank you!
Estella – Oh, I have an obsession with the books and dust the shelves and make sure the books are all visible for me. ;D It's an OCD I'm convinced! lol. Thank you!
I am having a bit of book shelf (and organizing!) envy!! 😉
I've only got 2 bookshelves in the house… The rest of the 'keepers' are in boxes in the garage. What I wish I could have is a library with floor-to-ceiling shelves, comfy chairs, and fabulous lighting. (dream on…)
Thanks for sharing, Mel!
rissatoo (ATgmail DOTcom)
Jealoust, jealous, jealous of your shelves, Melissa!!! So organized and books off the floor (unlike my hazardous, tottering towers). Maybe I need a genie lamp too and wish for bookshelves…or maybe just buy some!
Thanks for letting us peek at your bookshelves. I've had to put all my read books in totes.My TBR ones have taken over.I love the shelf on your wall.i need more of those types.
Wow! Mel has her books really nicely organized. I'll need to get her to come over and help me fix up my shelves. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
missie at
very creative so orginize congrats
gret prizes whoo
kim h
Wow that is a nicely arranged set of books. Mine all line a wall on the house and I tell the hubs it is the extra insulation for winter 😉
terilhack at yahoo dot com
Hi Melissa, a great post. Your books are all arranged so close and I definitely love your use of all your shelves and stands. It's given me some ideas as my book are sitting on top of one another because I ran out of space and shelves.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot)
Hi, Melissa. Very creative and organized. I am not very organized at all lol.
Rissatoo – 🙂 Thank you! I'm working on trying to get my husband to build the floor to ceiling shelves…trying! ;D But thank you and glad you enjoyed the shelves!
StephanieD – I am starting to think I have an OCD where my books come into play. ;D Thank you for stopping by!
Elaing8 – I'm afraid one of these days soon I'm going to have to do the same thing with toting the read books as the TBR is overwhelming. And thank you!
Missie – 🙂 Thank you! I even just sat down and redid the shelves last weekend. lol. I reorganized and moved them all around. It's a fetish I think.
Anonymous – Kim – Thank you! 🙂 Glad you like them!
Teril – lol. I love that idea! I try to get a shelf build to go around the top of the room as well, but husband seems to not care much for the idea. *sigh* he just doesn't understand. 😉 Thank you!
Carol L. – Thank you! So glad I could give you a few ideas. 🙂 And thank you for stopping by!
Tore – Thank you! Truth be told, I have to keep the books organized or my husband would hide it all away. He is a very organized and uncluttered type person, so I try to not upset his mental order…to much. 😉 Thank you!
Wow. BOOKS!!! There are something about them that make them look good even even when they are disorganized. But you would still love to put them in neat places. 🙂
I keep all of my books organized by the authors last name, lol I can never decide how to categorize the books! I start with a tbr section that's organized by author then go into the already read books that extend around the room of shelves! Yay books haha
I have two of the same bookshelves that you have. The corner one and the little wall hanging one. lol Except I have knick knacks on the corner one but now I am thinking about putting books on it since I am seriously running out of room. lol
I also have two more bookshelves in my bedroom and a large one in my living room and a large hanging corner shelf in my bedroom which is piled high with books. I am quickly running out of room and I have another box of books on there way here and I am way to obsessed to give them away.
*stand up* Hi, My name is Mary and I'm an obsessed book collector. lol
Cool giveaway. Very organized bookselves. I wish mine were as organized. Thanks for the chance.
Oh my gosh! I would LOVE to have an organized TBR shelf, but I have books on every single flat surface in my house! When I want to read one I have to go stack to stack until I pick one! I am in awe!!
jwitt33 at live dot com
Oh I really love your TBR shelf. It's so nice to have an organized one ! Mine didn't look like this one at all ! It's where I can put the books LOL.
I think I've got that first one – black with 3 shelves. Got mine at Christmas Tree Shoppe last month. Need something bigger, but it was a good start for some of my books that were in boxes.
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Congrats 1000 wow!!! amazing and a great feeling I am sure 🙂
You are a brave woman, Melissa. I don’t think I’m secure enough to show my messy shelves to the world. But I like your system (and definitely covet your amount of book storage space!) Thanks for your column.
I love Melissa's bookshelves. I have gone the opposite direction. I have one huge wall of bookshelves and my bedside table is the reading at the top of the queu!
Do I have to tell you I entered the 1000 member giveaway to get the extra entry?
Okay I'm totally kidnapping you to come and organize my shelves. Of course once you see them you may go running. I also love the stuffed devil your son gave you. So sweet!!
I have just developed a case of bookshelf envy! haha I never get tired of seeing other peoples bookshelves, so well organised.
Hm…where is my comment? i am sure I posted, arghhh *hates the internet* It is so slow, I am dying here.
*drools over shelves*
*makes plan to steal books*
I love your organization! Wish I could do the same!
Maidenveil – 🙂 I have a habit of going back through and reorganizing from time to time, which I just redid about a week ago. 🙂 Thank you!
KirstenF – I switch from authors last name, to series, to feelings, and on and on redoing the shelves. ;D Sounds like you have a great organization there as well. I might have to go back to the TBR books and do them by author, it would make it easier to find them. Hmmm, thank you!
Mary – Cool to hear we have similar shelves! 🙂 And yes, welcome to the meeting for obsessed book collectors. ;D Thank you!
Vanessa – Thank you. I think I'm going to have to point out to my husband how everyone thinks the shelves are organized. He doesn't seem to think so. 🙂 Thank you!
Julie – lol. I 'try' to keep them organized. 🙂 But I think I need to go back and redo them by author now so I can find them easier. I really liked that idea from KirstenF. 🙂
Melliane – Oh, thank you! I'm running out of room on the shelves though, so I'm going to need another shelf. 🙂 Thank you!
Di – lol. The three shelf one was my first purchase, before I had so many books. But I need much bigger shelves as well. Want to go shopping? ;D Thank you!
LSUReader – Thank you. I don't really have anyone around home to share the books with so when offered thought this was a great chance to share with book lovers. 🙂 Thank you!
Jen B. – I tried the bedside, but I'm afraid I'll knock them to the floor and they get ruined by one of the animals or something. 🙂 But I do think I have room on the bottom shelf when I can't pile any more here. 🙂 Thank you.
Melissa (Books&Things) – Oh, you know you don't have to kidnap me to come organize your shelves! I'd do it willingly. And as for running… maybe running with my hands full. ;D hee hee hee…
Jet – Thank you! So glad you liked the shelves. 🙂
Blodeuedd – Hee hee… I got a new security system. ;D We shall see… LOL!
Jenny S. – Thank you! So glad to hear the shelves look organized. 😉 I always think they look cluttered, but cool. Thank you!
I love your various bookplaces Melissa, and how you have sorted everything by genre. My books are sorted on author, and on how many books she/he has written that I have. Books that are read are upstairs, the majority is downstairs. And I have to confess, my new books are most often read first.
thanks for the give away, I love swag, especially bookmarks.
1000 followers give away
auriansbooks @ gmail dot com
It is so much fun to look over like minded people's book collections! I just wish I could pull a few off your shelves and thumb through them 🙂 You have a fabulous collection!
ssosborn at gmail dotcom
What a fun walk through your shelves!! I love how you organize them. Also, I'm impressed with your son – I never thought people won things at those claw games. And so sweet he gave it to mom. (not entering, just commenting)
I love your shelves, so organized. You gave me good ideas for my own shelves!
Thanks for the giveaway!
artgiote at gmail dot com
i love the different bookshelves! i need a little one like that beside the desk one for my library books..
thanks for the awesome giveaway
(i entered the 1000 followers giveaway too!)
alainala AT hotmail DOT ca
Thanks for sharing 🙂 Looks like you have lots of great shelves here and I love the stuffed devil on that one! He's too cute 🙂
smaccall AT
Great shelves, Melissa! I love that little wall shelf too. Too cute!
Wow that sounds so organised! My TBR started off as a pile on my desk and is slowly trying to take over the entire desk. At the moment there are four piles (library books, won, bought and to re-read) and it keeps growing despite the fact that I read a book or two each week. Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! Melissa, those are a lot of books. I'm sure your home is your "happy place" because of it. All your books seem in such great condition too (and I'm sure you've read most, if not all, of them). I'm hoping to get a good bookshelf (or two) soon.
Thanks for sharing!
I'd love to have the room for so many bookcases!And I love how organised they are!
Thank you for the giveaway!I have also entered the 1000 giveaway.
you are pretty organised ^^
i wish i had the same discipline – my books are hogging the ground at the moment ^^; i need more shelves.
by the way, i want that genie lamp 😉
witchvela at web dot de
Hush, Hush, The Last Sacrifice, and The Mortal Instruments are all amazing.
'I’m always moving books around on these shelves. I’m always looking for a neater look, then I add tons more and have to start over again. Lol. But I do enjoy the books."
OMFG can you be my new BFF?! LOL Hi my name's Camille and I'm a book junkie and pedantic shelf organiser too 😛 though I don't have a designated TBR- I put them in the respective 'sections' which are organised mostly by genre and ruled by aesthetics lol
midnite dot fantasy at gmail dot com
Very nice, i would like to be able to do something similar but at the moment my room is full ( from things to my brother and such) and i'm trying to rearrange everything to at least have some romm to move.
To protect my books ( that i love so much) i put them in plastic books- by series or by author or by languageS…. tehre are what…20 boxes at the moment ^^;;
i forgot to write my mail sorry
Great bookshelves! I wish that I was as well organized.
Wow that's a lot of books! =) Someday I hope to have that many but finding the funding for it is really, really hard right now. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! =)
Valerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)
Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long –
Aurian – Hi! 🙂 Thank you. Glad you liked the shelves. I think I'm going to go back and reorganized by author as well. That would make it so easy to find the books. 🙂 Thank you!
Sabrina – Thank you! And you are always welcome to stop by and thumb through a few books. I love chatting about them too. 🙂
Carolyn Crane – Hi! *waves* Thank you for walking through the shelves with me. 🙂 And yes, I was shocked when he gave me the little devil. Some days he has good luck, but mostly nah. ;D Thank you!
Diana – Hi! 🙂 And thank you. Glad you like the ideas. 🙂
Alainala – Oh, a little shelf for library books would be great! 🙂 Thank you!
Bookwyrm – Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the stroll around the shelves with me. 🙂 And I love the devil! He's inspirational. ;D Thank you!
Michelle @ The True Book Addict – Oh, thank you! I know they are not many, but I'm proud of the collection I've started. 🙂 And the wall shelf if one of my favorites for some reason. I think because it's different. 🙂
JessS – lol. Yes! Those TBR piles start taking over the house very quickly. ;D Thank you for stopping by!
IdentitySeeker – Thank you! I have these all in the Den and it has become my happy place. 😉 Thank yoU!
Anna – Thank you. I didn't realize I was so organized until this post. 🙂 I'm so glad to hear it. Thank you!
Yto – Thank you! Oh, I could come organize for you if you'd like. 😉 But I could use more shelves as well. The space goes so quickly! And so glad you liked the genie lamp! 🙂
Kayla – Oh, you have amazing eyes! I need to read Hush, Hush and The Last Sacrifice yet, but LOVED the Mortal Instruments series. 🙂 Thank you!
Camille – YES! lol! I need a new book buddy to organize shelves with and revisit the books with! 🙂 Please come by, we can spend all day going over the shelves! 🙂 Thank you!
Miki – Oh, I understand. Space is so limited. But they need to be protected too. 🙂 Thank you!
mbreakfield – Oh thank you! 🙂 Glad you like the shelves.
Scorpio1974 – Thank you. Just keep collecting. 🙂 I keep adding every week. 🙂 Thank you!
Wow, your bookshelf looks really nice, I wish mine looked so irresistible… :] I don't have many books but I hope I will do one day – and I just can't wait 🙂
And I se you have a lot of great books 🙂 The Sabina Kane series is one of my all-time favorites and Hush, Hush and Hexed are also among my favorites! 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway,
Wow…what great shelves you have! Wish I had that much space!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
LOL. Loving the TBR shelves. Mine are very big atm. Makes me wonder if at the end of my life the TBR pile is bigger than the actually read it pile … 😉
/Posting again – this time with email: hrududu AT hotmail DE