Meet The Book Lovers!

Hallöchen, I’m a 25 year old Geeky Lover in Magdeburg, Germany. Why am I a Book Lover? I’m addicted. Yep I admit it, I can’t live without books. I read at least 150 books a year and yes, my bookshelves are exploding. At the moment I read mostly in English because the books aren’t as expensive and I don’t have to wait so long for the translation- I am so greedy. I prefer Paranormal Romance, Erotica, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction and nearly anything in between. A few of my favorite authors are Megan Hart, Stacia Kane, Joely Sue Burkhart, Deidre Knight, Ilona Andrews, Gena Showalter, Lauren Dane, Jeaniene Frost, Devon Monk and Victoria Dahl. Why geeky? I love all those little gadgets that promise to make our lives easier and even the ones that are just funny or cute. I have more things with an USB port than most men and I’m really proud to be able to say that! I adore science fiction movies and series and my mission is to spread this love throughout the female population. You girls just don’t know what you are missing. *wink* I will try to hold back with my Star Wars and Star Trek jokes but I will probably fail miserably. So may the books be with you!
I am the German ambassador to this multi-national network.
Bonjour, I am The HEA Lover (Happily Ever After). I’m French, but you will only find books in English on my shelves. I became obsessed with books only a few years ago, I can honestly say that until college I just hated reading! I’m still discovering my tastes. I began reading fantasy, which quickly turned to Urban Fantasy (which just blew me away) and a few years ago I was introduced to Historical and Paranormal Romance, of course now I’m addicted to them all. Some of my favorite authors are Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Jocelynn Drake, Kim Harrison, Kelley Armstrong, Molly Harper, Karen Marie Moning, Jennifer Ashley, Lisa Kleypas, Julia Quinn, Linda Robertson, Jaye Wells and Jim Butcher. I love Happy Ever After endings, which might explain why I fell in love with romances *winks*. Yes, I know many Urban Fantasy novels don’t have a straight up HEA’s, but I am optimistically expecting that when I get to the end of the various series I’ll have a lot of HEA’s to cheer about. See, I’m not hard to please, give me a good HEA and I’ll be in heaven.
I am the French ambassador of this multi-national assembly.

Hey Everyone! I’m Stella from Ex Libris aka The Latin Lover! I am the newest addition to Book Lovers Inc. What’s to know about me? I just recently turned 26 (last week), I’m the eldest of 3 sisters – we have always liked to dub ourselves the “other Halliwell sisters” (from Charmed), and as you can see I’m quite a chatty one :-). I have loved reading ever since I learned how to, but I just recently discovered the universe of blogging. My reading taste is quite eclectic, my favourite genres are urban fantasy (my favourite authors are Kelley Armstrong, Ilona Andrews, Laura Bickle and Sonya Bateman), paranormal romance, romance (contemporary, historical, erotica), mystery and suspense, but I’m always open to new genres (just read my first sci-fi novel: Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch, which was amazing!). I’m quite the linguist, I speak 6 languages and learned Latin for several years, that’s what inspired the name for my blog (Ex Libris). I love discovering new languages and cultures, and besides reading, travelling is what I love the most! (ok, I’ll be honest and baking cookies too ;-p) As a certified book addict (my parents already declared me a hopeless case at a young age after finding me countless times reading at the crack of dawn, way after bedtime in my room) I’m so happy to be surrounded by friends who can understand my craving 😀
I’m also part of the European contingent of Book Lovers, as I’m the Hungarian representative of this multi-national club.

Hi, I’m the Smutty Book Lover! I am a bookaholic and love to push books to new innocent victims so they can become addicted to my favourite authors and books, too. I am a huge fan of romance, Urban Fantasy and Traditional Fantasy. My favourite authors range from Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Linda Howard, Ann Aguirre, Tamora Pierce and Lisa Kleypas, just to name a few. My newest book love-affair is with Young Adult books! Don’t let anyone tell you that YA books are just for kids. I am also a huge geek, and a fan of many cult-hit shows/books and culture. I also have a smutty nature and a unique gift for coming across the strange, weird and disturbing, so watch out for any brain bleach-worthy items I may post!
I am the Brit representative of this multi-national collective.
Places to find Has:
The Book Pushers, twitter, goodreads

Hey all! I’m a full-time working, single mom. I’ve always been a reader but drifted from books while my daughter was younger (and requiring lots of attention, of course). Now that she’s getting a bit older, I needed to find something to occupy my spare time and reading was the perfect thing! The Monster Lover got me hooked on a series (I won’t name it but you can probably guess 😉 and there’s been no turning back. I grew up reading The Hardy Boys, Agatha Christie and various other authors of mystery books. That has stayed with me as I’ve become a fan of Kathy Reichs, Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, etc. But my tastes have been branching out lately from Regency Romance to Historical Fiction, from translated literature to YA, from Urban Fantasy to (my fave genre) the quirky humour offered up by some of the wittiest writers around, Douglas Adams, Tom Robbins, Christopher Moore, among others. It’s great to read a book that leaves you feeling smarter for having read it, but has achieved this through giggles and silliness. I look forward to sharing some laughs here :-p
I am part of the Canadian delegation of ambassadors of this multi national round-table.
Hi, I’m Amanda-Lee AKA The Winged Lover. I’m an 18 yr old Aussie girl who is addicted to reading, so much so that I push what I should be doing (usually college study and actual work) aside just so I can finish a book. Reading is my guilty pleasure, and there have been many time when I have chosen books over people (even when they are trying to have a conversation with me).
I am always looking for new books to read and often have found entire series that I love just by looking around the blogosphere. I have always LOVED vampires (way before Twilight was even an idea) and now that the paranormal scene has come back I am loving all the new creatures that are coming out of the dark corners. My favourite genres are Fantasy (my current favourite sub-genre being Urban Fantasy), Romance (I love all of it’s sub-genres), Horror, Suspense and YA revolving around Teen Issues.
I am known for my frequent random outbursts and love of chocolate (my other guilty pleasure). I always introduce myself as a writer, but my profession is accountancy (opposites much?)
I am part of the Australian delegation in this multi-national gang.

Howdy, I’m The Cornered Lover. I am 29 and 1/2 years old. I’ve been happily married for almost five years to my wonderful husband. We’ve been together a total of 11 years but don’t have any kids yet. We do have 5 dogs and 2 horses. I just got back into reading a little over a year ago in Nov. of 2008. What started me down that slippery slope back to being a book addiction you ask…….Twilight! Yes, I have to admit, I LUV LUV LUV the series. It was such a cute story and I couldn’t put it down. It reminded me why I loved reading so much as a kid. There was no turning back from there. The next book I picked up was the Black Dagger Brotherhood by: J.R. Ward. OMG! Best series ever! I hadn’t read any romance novels before that one and for those of you who have read this series, you can imagine how much blushing I did while reading that series. That is where my passion for Romance was born. Even though Romance is my favorite genre, I try to keep an open mind about what to read. I do prefer to have at least a little touch of Romance in a book/series and I also like to have at least a touch of paranormal in everything I read. I do have to admit though western romance…..for some reason just doesn’t pique my interest…..and I’m a country gal! *G* My favorite genres to read are currently: Romance, Paranormal Romance, ANYTHING HIGHLANDER ( *wink wink* I do luv me some Highlanders), Urban Fantasy. I may have to give m/m Romance a go soon. It just sounds so tempting that I can’t resist giving it a try!
I am part of the American delegation of ambassadors to this multi-national herd.

Hi there, I’m The Danger Lover, and I have children the same age as most of the other ladies contributing here at Book Lovers Inc. (LOL), which is why I’ll decline telling you how old I am. 😉 If you are wondering about Tori, she is my little Chinese Crested dog, my heart and my little ‘sidekick’ so when I’m here at Book Lovers she will be here too. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with my family and an assorted menagerie of animals. Why am I a Book Lover? Books have been part of my life since a young age and I’ve read multiple genres over time. Romance, however is the genre I’ve returned to again and again. I read 2 to 3 books per week until I became a book blogger, now it’s not nearly as many but I hope to start reading more again because there are so many wonderful stories out there and my TBR is exploding! I prefer Dark Paranormal Romance, Erotic Romance, Military Romantic Suspense, Romantic Suspense, and a little Urban Fantasy. A few of my favorite authors are Beth Kery/Bethany Kane, Larissa Ione, Jaci Burton, Stephanie Tyler, Devyn Quinn, Anne Rainey, Kati Reus, Julie James & Carolyn Crane. Why danger? I love a fast paced, dark, edgy & suspenseful tone in my reading, the kind of story that is full of danger and keeps you on the edge of your seat with the goosebumps rocketing up and down your arms. I also like action movies that are of the same ilk. Oh, and I love ANYTHING Johnny Depp. 😉
I am part of the Canadian delegation of ambassadors of this awesome multi national team of ladies.
Places to find Lea:
closetreader, USA Today HEA Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, You Tube

Some people need coffee first thing in the morning. I need to read. ^_^ Take away my books and I start to get twitchy! I’m Alisha, and I’m the Needy Lover, from (mostly) sunny Northern California. For as long as I can remember, reading has been a major part of my life. From my first book—Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time—to the scores of National Geographic mags I inhaled as a child, I’ve been fascinated by the vastness of the world and the possibilities that lie beyond it. Science fiction (and the speculative) is my first love, but I love all sort of reads: humorous nonfiction, historical fiction, trivia, travel tales, epic fantasy, dystopian fic, horror, literary fiction, mystery, and on and on. And an element of romantic intrigue never hurts. ^_^ I love the writings of Orson Scott Card as much as I do the works of Jane Austen, and I’m always looking for new themes and methods to discover. Outside of books, I’m a crafty kiddo and a baking fiend; come up with a cupcake idea and I’ll test it out! I’m also addicted to traveling the world and living in as many exciting places as I can. And inexplicably, I enjoy watching blockbuster action flicks almost as much as I enjoy a good book.
I’m part of the American delegation to this crazy band of rock stars.
Place to find Alisha:
Blog, GoodReads, Twitter

My name is Anna and I live in Greece!I have studied Psychology – which is cool! – and since I got a degree I have been unemployed – which is not so cool!-. As I said,I live in Athens with my fiance but I was born in Volos,a really beautiful city in Central Greece but with unfortunatelly little opportunities in everything, so, I moved!
I love coffee and I love chocolate! I can skip a meal but never my morning cup of coffee! I also love travelling and I dream of the day I get to visit as many places as possible in the world! Meeting new people and new cultures so different from your own always fascinated me beyond words!
I love reading books since I can remember myself!I would get to sleep,with school the other day,and I would get a book and a flashlight under my covers and read!
I read almost everything that catches my interest and suits my mood!From Fantasy to Contemporary Romance!My favorite genres are YA, Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance and some of my favorite authors are Jeaniene Frost, Richelle Mead, Karen Marie Moning and J.K. Rowling who is plainly amazing! Recently I got acquainted with Jennifer L. Armentrout as well and let me say you I really love her work!
So, that’s pretty much of me!
Places to find Anna:
Twitter, Facebook, Blog, GoodReads

Hi, I’m Marlene and I’m a biblioholic. I fully admit that I’m addicted to reading. And caffeine. Not necessarily in that order. (Instant human, just add tea. Or Diet Coke) I currently live in Seattle with my husband and the four cats who own us, but we are professional nomads. In the last ten years, we’ve moved from Chicago to Anchorage (Alaska) to Tallahassee (FL) back to Chicago to Gainesville (FL) to Atlanta to Seattle. We used to have over 4,000 books. But we started the big switch to ebooks last year, and I’ve become a major ebook advocate, so we’re down to 2,500. What do I read? I started with The Lord of the Rings and Star Trek and Pern, but now, I’ll read anything with a really good story.
I still love science fiction and fantasy (I get a membership in Worldcon every year just to vote on the Hugos!) but I also read mysteries, especially historical mysteries, and I love romance. But I really go for the things in the spaces in between, so science fiction romance, and urban fantasy and paranormal romance and steampunk absolutely float my boat. And I don’t just read great stories, I play RPG videogames like Final Fantasy and Dragon Age because I love being inside the story. And I’m not just an amateur biblioholic, I’m a professional. I’m a librarian!
Places to find Marlene:
Twitter, Facebook, Blog, GoodReads
Draconismoi – The Dragon Lover

Hello, hello, hello! I am a snarky Dragon Lover who has recently relocated to The Arctic Tundra. But don’t worry about me! I have fingerless gloves and the accompanying dexterity necessary to turn pages. I started reading novels in second grade when my parents grounded me from TV. By third grade they were grounding me from books. I spent my three years of law school flitting all over the U.S., living entirely out of luggage, and one of my bags was always filled with books. (Airport Security people find such blatant and aggressive literacy suspicious. They were constantly dusting me for bomb residue.) Some would describe me as obsessive with my books. But have some people ever tried to annotate Jane Lindskold’s Brother To Dragons, Companion to Owls? …. Some people might have a point.
I almost exclusively read speculative fiction. I’m pretty open-minded within the genre, giving my attention equally to science fiction, fantasy, horror, urban fantasy, and YA – but I generally need a fantastical or speculative element to reel me in. Favorite authors include Sheri Tepper, Terry Pratchett, Connie Willis, Mira Grant, Robin McKinley, Phillip Pullman, Doris Egan, Maria V. Snyder, Adam Troy Castro, Ulysses Silva, J.M. McDermott, Kage Baker….oh wait, those are just authors I can see from this corner of my room.
I am the Alaskan Delegate to this International Book Congress. (FYI, to non-USians in the audience, a delegate is a non-voting member of Congress. Much like a Guest Reviewer. They have the power to vote on their particular assignments, but no sway over general policy.) Yes, I also happen to be a huge socio-political nerd. How did you guess?
Places to find Draconismoi:
Goodreads, Librarything (Assuming I ever remember the password to either).
Love the bios!