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Character interview with Anna Scarlett + Giveaway

Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Anna Scarlett, whose latest novel Degrees of Wrong was recently released by Samhain. Anna thought you couldn’t get a better first taste of the story than by meeting the hero and heroine, so please give a warm welcome to Dr. Elyse Morgan and ship captain Nicoli Marek, and read on for an exclusive interview just for you! 

Anna Scarlett: Elyse, what was your first impression of Nicoli?

 ELYSE: You mean besides the one my cheek made on his chest when I crashed into him? *thinks for a second* I thought he was going to save me from Lt. Horan’s idiotic grasp. Nicoli knew I wasn’t really a cadet. But nooooo. He even let him punish me!

NICOLI: This is what I knew: You were acting as a cadet for your protection. I couldn’t figure out why the hell you would cause such a disturbance and …

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