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Review: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

Format Read:  PaperbackNumber of Pages:  240 PagesRelease Date:  29th March 2009Publisher:  The Penguin GroupFormats Available:  Hardback, Paperback, CD-Audio, Audio CassettePurchasing Info: Laurie Halse Anderson, Good Reads, Book Depository

Book Blurb:

After Melinda goes through a traumatic and violent incident at a summer party, she calls the cops and becomes a social outcast. Her freshman year is a disaster. As time passes, she stops talking–except through her paintings in art class. Her healing process has just begun when her perpetrator attacks again. Only this time, she doesn’t keep silent.

My Thoughts:It was through various blog posts for Banned Book Week that Speak came to my attention.  I’d never even heard of it until then.  The controversy over subject matter in this was the main issue and in some school libraries it was actually banned.  This was the clincher …

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