Today we’ve very happy to welcome Author Nicola Cornick on Book Lovers Inc. One Wicked Sin the 2nd book in The Scandalous Women of the Ton series will hit the shelves on October 26th. Let’s give a warm welcome to Nicola who tell us more about her wicked heroine. 😉 Stay tuned and you can win the whole trilogy!
Thank you very much for inviting me to visit Book Lovers, Inc! It’s great to be here! I am very excited this month because my book Whisper of Scandal is currently on the shelves and book 2 in my Scandalous Women of the Ton series, One Wicked Sin, will be released next week!
The heroine of One Wicked Sin is Lottie Palliser. Lottie is the ultimate bad girl. Never mind one wicked sin, Lottie indulges in quite a number of them! She loves spending a fortune on clothes and shoes, she loves eating the entire box of chocolates, she loves handsome young men… Lottie is very much into excess. And then her life is turned upside down and she loses everything and is forced to reappraise what is important to her and why she behaves as she does.
I love writing bad girl heroines and watching them change and grow as the story develops. I like watching them reform – but not too much! Sometimes it’s difficult to create a heroine like that and for readers to like her or sympathise with her. But we all have good reasons for behaving the way that we do, most of us have something a little bit wicked in us, and for me it’s important to explore that and to show why my characters may often behave in a way that is less than perfect.
In One Wicked Sin Lottie is matched with a kindred spirit, Ethan Ryder, an Irish renegade and a man for whom the phrase dangerous rake was invented. Both Lottie and Ethan have a long way to go to reach their very own happy ending but I was rooting for them to get there and I hope readers will be too.
To celebrate the release of my
Scandalous Women of the Ton trilogy I’d like to give away a set of the three books,
Whisper of Scandal,
One Wicked Sin and
Mistress by Midnight to one commenter.
My question – if you could indulge in just one wicked little sin what would it be?
About the Author:
Nicola Cornick studied history at London University and Ruskin College, Oxford, earning a distinction in her Masters degree with a dissertation on heroes and hero myths. She has a “dual life” as a writer of historical romance for Harlequin HQN Books and a historian working for the National Trust. A double nominee for both the Romantic Novelists’ Association Romance Prize and the Romance Writers of America RITA award, Nicola has been described by Publisher’s Weekly as “a rising star of the Regency genre.” Her most recent book, Unmasked, is available now from Harlequin Mills & Boon.
About the book:

Lottie Palliser was once the toast of the Ton but now is notorious for being divorced—and penniless. Shunned by society and disowned by her family, the destitute beauty is forced to become a courtesan in a Covent Garden bawdy house. Refusing to oblige her customers, Lottie is about to be turned out onto the streets when a dangerous rake saves her with a scandalous offer…
Ethan Ryder is the illegitimate son of an Irish Duke and a circus performer. He rose through the ranks as one of Napoleon’s most dashing cavalry officers—until his capture landed him in England as prisoner of war. Now on parole, Ethan is planning his most audacious coup yet. But he needs to create a spectacular diversion. And having infamous Lottie as his mistress will lull everyone into thinking he’s busily bedding her instead of plotting deadly treason. Both Lottie and Ethan believe that their cool heads and selfish hearts will give them the upper hand in their ruthlessly passionate union. Yet their unexpected bond will scandalize even them.
Nicola has generously offered a complete set of the trilogy to 1 lucky commenter!
Here is what you’ll get:
– Whisper of Scandal – One Wicked Sin – Mistress of Midnight
All you have to do is answer Nicola’s question or leave a meaningful comment about the post.
Please leave us a way to contact you
(email in blogger profile or twitter name- no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is International!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, October 30th and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Caro The HEA Lover
Caroline is a HEA loving, yarn addicted French who's desperately hoping to get a HEA of her own. If she's not reading then she can be found knitting while listening to Audiobooks or watching Tv shows. Her secret addiction is reading websites that make fun at other people's expense (DYAC, Failbook)! Caroline also blogs at the Secret HEA Society with Susi.
Wow..i'm the first to comment !
Well ,the first thing i would like tosay is that i like your plot..sounds quite enjoyable ..and Ethan & Lottie Toghether'll be a fun read.
As for your question…I don't think i would indulge just one…maybe more..and that way it will be more enjoyable 🙂
raluk.93 at gmail (dot) com
Thanks, Pink Stuff28! Good point – why settle for indulging only one wicked sin when you could go for more! That's what happens to me when I go to buy a single chocolate cake and see them in packs of two…
Your new book and heroine sound wonderful, but then that's the story of all your books, Nicola.
One little sin? Erm…sitting in a warm scented huge bath tub with Colin Firth drinking champagne – oh do use your imagination!!!!
Sounds like a great read! Hmmm, one little sin…that's a hard one! It would either be spending a full day completely lazy reading to my hearts content not worrying abuot the day job, or indulging myself with a shopping spree. Don't know if those are really sins but I know I would feel guilty doing them!
One little sin??? Ihave to agree with PinkStuff28 one isn't nearly enough! Well, if I had only one I would choose a looooooong vacation without having to worry about anything!
Margaret, you shock me! Sounds like fun though.
Heather, I agree, anything that makes you feel guilty feels like a sin! For me a day doing nothing but reading would be blissful. As for a shopping spree, that really is my idea of indulgence!
Vickyvak, I sighed with envy at the thought of a long vacation with nothing to worry about. I am going away the week after next and if I can persuade my dh to do all the cooking and walk the dog that would be pretty close to the perfect vacation…
:::waving madly:::
Hi, Nicola. Over from Facebook.
If I could indulge in just one wicked little sin it would be: Gluttony. I'd eat all the chocolate I want. And not gain weight of course. 🙂
Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com
Ooooooh, I didn't know Lottie would be the heroine in ONE WICKED SIN… she really is wicked!!!! I can't wait to see how you redeem her!
Hmmm… one wicked sin to indulge in… well, setting aside my laminated card of "permitted indiscretions" (thank you DH), I'd have to say… a shopping spree through my favorite book store (whose charges never touch my wallet), leaving the baby with her grandparents, cutting a slice of tiramisu from my favorite bakery (which has ZERO calories), and snuggling under the covers while reading (which naturally burns 2k calories). Did you say one wicked sin or one fantastically wicked imagination? LOL
SO looking forward to ONE WICKED SIN!!! Best regards!
I am just allowed one? I would have a wild night with george clooney.
So much to choose from.
Maybe I'd cut off Jordan's supply of Botox. Or air.
BadGirl was my name when I first used an internet chat room, but I've never lived up to it.
Hi Nicola. Your books sound good. My wicked little sin would be to shop without worrying about what I am spending.
I would have to say my sin is buying shoes and books. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I tend to indulge both more than I should. I agree there is a fine line that an author has to tread to have a believable flawed character who is endearing for the flaws (or at at least sympathetic) and the character just being annoying. I look forward to reading about Lottie and seeing where she stands on the line.
jessica (at) novelreaction (dot) com
Oooh, I am loving these sins! Shoes! Yes!!! Shopping! And cutting off Jordan's supply of botox. Inspired. A wild night with George Clooney? Fabulous!! Thank you for sharing. The suggestions, I mean, not George.
Hi Mel! Thank you for dropping by! I too would like to eat as much as I want – not just of chocolate – and never put weight on. Such a shame that there is a consequence!
Chris, thank you for your kind words about One Wicked Sin! Yes, Lottie is very bad indeed and gets to behave a whole lot worse before she redeems herself. Not that Ethan is any better… Put a bad girl and a bad boy together and wait for the fireworks! I LOVE that you have a list of permitted indiscretions LOL! Must speak to my dh about that…
Hello Nicola, I know I'll enjoy the story of Lottie and Ethan.
My wicked sin….I'd hold a waltzing party in a grand country house and have all the Jane Austen film heroes in their Regency clothes to dance with. Champagne, lobster patties, moonlight,and a rose garden to do lots of dallying in with several of the above heroes. Mmmm.
Spending a whole month wages on books in one giant shopping spree.
*sigh* I can dream, right?
Well, if I'm just being realistic it would be a nice quiet day of reading. But if I would be a bit more adventurous, I'd go for a romantic dinner with Hugh Jackman (you can imagine the happenings after dinner)! 🙂
I love the blurbs of your books. I will definitely check them out.
Hmm.. well there's this woman lately who has been really mean and rude to me, and I've had to endure it because she's in charge, but I'd love to just..I dunno..trash her office? Maybe trip her in the hallway? Haha, nothing too evil, just something that I could laugh about next time I have to deal with her.
LOL, Rachel, payback can feel good!
I'm definitely up for the shopping and the reading indulgence (and dinner with Hugh Jackman!)And Beth, I think we'll all be getting tickets for that country house ball!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I really love those bookcovers, they're beautiful!.
Please enter me.
If I could indulge in just one wicked little sin it would be to go on a book shopping spree. Since I'm not working, I've had to watch every penny, so I haven't been able to indulge in my book addiction for awhile. Of course, then I'd read to my heart's content, who cares about cleaning the house or any of that stuff?
The Scandalous Women of the Ton series sounds delightful, and I'm looking forward to reading them.
Hm… chocolate or a hot guy? How about both! Either have my favorite cover model feed me chocolates or have me lick chocolate off of him – can't decide… must work bacon in there somehow (tried bacon-flavored chocolate a few weekends ago – had possibilities). In any case, it's either Lust or Gluttony.
My sin would be burritos! A ton of them. But only if they pack on no pounds 😉
Otherwise traveling the world.
Twitter: @intensewhisper
WoW! I think I would just do it all! First I would call in sick at the job tell the hubbie he's watching the kids this weekend. Spend tons of money on shoes, purses, a manicure,a pedicure,a hot new hairdo, a few sexy dresses! Then fly to the Bahamas eat decadent food get wasted on strawberry margarita's and whistle at hot cabana boys! Then I'd come home Monday morning put on my sweats take the girls to school and come home and clean up the house! 😀 Does cover a few sins! LOL!
hmm if I had to indulge in one sin I think it would be to get a date with the hot guy that works at the bookstore near my house. I knew I would find a way to combine a hot guy and books into one sin 🙂
I love bad girl heroines and there are too few of them. It seems like the heroine always has to be virginal and perfect.
My wicked little sin would be to just once have the freedom to tell the people at work what I really think of them (of course, they'd have to get selective amnesia immediately afterward so they wouldn't remember what I said).
jen at delux dot com
Lucy, thank you! I'm so pleased you like the covers. I think I've been blessed with a beautiful-looking series!
Jen, I'm glad that you like bad girl heroines. Sometimes it's fun to read – and write – someone who has a past! (And boy does Lottie have a past!)
Barbara, thank you! I hope you enjoy the series. It was lots of fun to write! Shopping and books in combination will always be near the top of my list of indulgences and I see I'm not alone! Alexa, I have to say that a hot guy and a bookstore must be a perfect combination LOL!
Sheree, bacon-flavoured chocolate??? I never thought I would go for that but actually I do find the idea quite tempting.
Robin, running off and travelling the world sounds a fantastic idea (with a ton of burritos on the side).
I think you have the right idea, Johanna – why settle for one wicked sin when you can indulge in many? Strawberry margaritas! Yum. I am getting a real vicarious thrill from all these indulgences!
My guilty little pleasure (besides books as I buy tooooo many) is handbags – so I would buy to my heart's content and not worry about what others think (or hubby will say).
Please enter me 🙂
baychriz at gmail dot com
My guilty little sin would be eating a whole box of Godiva chocolates without sharing any of them. 🙂
You can reach me at
if you could indulge in just one wicked little sin what would it be?
A night of romance and making love with Tim McGraw. Please enter me in contest.
I haven´t read your books, but I want to do it soon. And put it on my wish list if I have no chance of winning. Thanks for the GP it's a wonderful way to see your books.
if you could indulge in just one wicked little sin what would it be?
A hot guy with a bit of chocolate.
I love the idea of a hot guy combined with some chocolate… Or just the hot guy! Or the chocolate! Thanks so much for contributing all your wicked little sins!
Hi Nicola 🙂
it's been a long time since my first book from you *wink*
really enjoyed the book, and i'm sooooo looking forward to have my chance to dive into your world once again !
uniquas at ymail dot com
Hi Mariska! Thank you for dropping in. Happy reading!
Hello Nicola!
Well, I say Extravagance! I would buy books until my bank account went null. BUT I have to admit that lust and gluttony are looking pretty good with the hot guy and the chocolate…(I would add some strawberries and whipped cream :D)
I know everyone's said chocolates but that would be my sin! I wish I could eat as many as I wanted without feeling sick, like I'm going to explode or without it having any effects on my health and my teeth.
LOL, Kulsama, there's always a price to pay for these sins, isn't there! I have to confess that yesterday I ate a chocolate dessert and although it was fabulous at the time, a little while after I did think I was going to explode!
Hi Jen! Yes, lust and gluttony in combination can be pretty appealing!
what a fun trilogy of books 😉 One sin, greed. I want lots of money to buy my own Borders (one with a cafe of course) bookstore and then move in and read day and night.
Hi Sharon – your own bookstore! Yes, I like that, especially with coffee shop (and chocolate cake!)
Gluttony on chocolate.
Your books are always such a good read and I love the covers! My one wicked sin – lusting after Gerard Butler!!!
Hi Colliebear! Chocolate gluttony appeals to me too!
Laura, thanks for dropping by and for your kind words about my books! Lusting after Gerard Butler – LOL! You are not alone in that!
An day with no kids (AKA – quiet) and a chocolate cake to myself!
melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
I won't go into detail, but I would choose Wrath. >_>
Eeek Mamushi, that sounds very ominous!
I think gambling is a sin, but I'd like to indulge and win big in Vegas!
That sounds like a lot of fun, Melissa!
Sweets for dinner. Only sweets.
How long does it take you to write the book from start to finish?
Diane Baum
Oh…I would love to call in sick and have a day of indulgence and pampering…a day ALL to myself!
I'd love to take a trip WITHOUT my husband … I love him but I need some me time :o)
I want to drive fast on a winding country road without the fear of a ticket
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
One wicked little sin? Not something I have given any great thought to, but I guess going out and buying anything I wanted for my family without worrying about paying for it. I guess that would count as greed.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I'd like to have ice cream every night without worrying about the calories I'm consuming
s2s2 at comcast dot net
i'd like to call in sick to work and spend the day with my husband
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I would indulge in gluttony in Paris.
If I could indulge in just one wicked little sin what would it be?
I would have a sleep over slumber party with just me and Tom & Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel!