Today we are thrilled to welcome again, Author Courtney Milan on Book Lovers Inc. Unveiled, the first book in the Turner Brothers series, was release last week. We decided to learn more about Courtney and her new book. Keep reading and all your questions will be answered (well most *wink*). Stay tuned and you might win a copy of Unveiled.
The HEA Lover: Courtney can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Courtney: I’m a very frazzled, very busy dog owner. I am also owned by a cat.
The HEA Lover: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?
Courtney: I have no typical writing days–I have a very demanding day job, and an even more demanding dog, so I write whenever I find time. I write in the mornings, in the evenings, in short little breaks stolen here and there, on the weekends when I can get them. I write on Christmas and New Years’ and Easter and every holiday I get.
I’m both a planner and a pantser. I need to plan out the turning points in the book ahead of time, but I discover all the details and curlicues as I write.
The HEA Lover: What do you think is the difference between a reader and a real Book Lover?
Courtney: I like to think that the difference between a reader and a book lover is that the reader just has to find the right books to love!
The HEA Lover: We saw on your website that every of your books gets a code name. How do you come up with those? Can you already share some of them for your future books?
Courtney: I don’t come up with code names for books; they just sort of arise organically. The code name for Unveiled was “Bigamy”–because the story starts when the heroine, Margaret Dalrymple, discovers that her father, the Duke of Parford, is a bigamist, and that she is a bastard. The book after this, Unclaimed, is “Blasphemy.” I’m working on two books right now. One is the third book in the Turner series, which only has a code name at this point: “The Rule of Law.” (This makes the series Bigamy, Blasphemy, and The Rule of Law.) I’m also working on an untitled secret project which I’m calling “Magic Chickens.”
The HEA Lover: On your blog you also feature reviews written by Mr. Milan. How did you come up with this idea? Or was it his idea? Is he a reader and if yes what does he usually read?
Courtney: Mr. Milan is a huge reader. He reads science fiction, thrillers, and non-fiction. He loves Joe Abercrombie and Barry Eisler; that’ll give you an idea of his taste. He’ll also read a few romance titles, but I hand-pick them for him to make sure that it will satisfy his need for action and blood. For instance, he really enjoyed Sherry Thomas’s Not Quite a Husband, set against the backdrop of the Swat Valley uprising. But he wasn’t so sure about Lord of Scoundrels–only one gun goes off, and that’s it.
We came up with the idea of his reviews jointly. Before my books came out, we were talking about how some author’s husband started commenting on her Amazon reviews. I said, jokingly, “please don’t do that,” and he said, “Why not? I would just say it sucked anyway.” Then we looked at each other and said in unison, “Best. Idea. Ever.”
I love his reviews.
The HEA Lover: Unveiled is about revenge. What do you personally think about this topic? How far do you think is too far?
Courtney: Unveiled starts with revenge, and it ends with revenge, but I don’t think it is about revenge. I don’t think I could write a character who is motivated solely by revenge–you would have to be hugely unhinged to let revenge matter at all costs.
I would actually say that Unveiled is a book about family: What would you do to keep your family safe? How far would you take it? And what do you do when the people you most love hurt you?
Both families here–the heroine’s family of the Dalrymples, and the hero’s family of the Turners–have to grapple with these issues, and Ash and Margaret discover that the only way to keep their families safe is to keep themselves hidden.
The HEA Lover: What can you tell us about Unveiled? What can we expect?
Courtney: What can you expect? You can’t. 🙂
What I can tell you about Unveiled is this: I firmly believe that this is the best book I’ve written to date, by a substantial margin.
The HEA Lover: Margaret’s life is changed completely with the discovery of her father’s bigamy. That fact ruins her life, she’s now a ‘bastard’ and loses any rights she had to her father’s legacy. What kind of woman was she before this scandal and how did it change her as a person?
Courtney: Before she was declared a bastard, she was a duke’s daughter and very wealthy. Her life wasn’t perfect, but…she was a snob. She was treated like royalty all her life, so she thought she was better than everyone else. She wasn’t mean about it–she was always very nice and polite and genteel, because duke’s daughters were supposed to be nice and polite and genteel.
But this also meant that she had no sense of self separate from her birth. And when she discovered that was a lie, everything she believed about herself crumbled. Now she’s nothing, and she’s going to have to find a sense of worth from herself.
The HEA Lover: Ash seems be a bit ruthless at times , he’s willing to ruin even an Innocent’s life to reach his goal- revenge on the person who ruined his family. Tell us a bit about him? Does he have some redeeming qualities?
Courtney: Ash is all redeeming qualities. But his redeeming qualities are so very, very intense. To set the record straight, he isn’t actually willing to ruin an innocent’s life for revenge. He wants to hurt the Duke of Parford (by having him declared a bigamist), but Parford is hardly innocent. And he is okay with hurting the Duke of Parford’s sons, but they have plagued his brothers ever since Eton. He wants the Dalrymple family to back off his, and he’ll hurt them as badly as he can until they surrender. Ash didn’t start the battle between the two families, but he means to end it. Forever.
Yes, there’s collateral damage in this war, but he didn’t intend it, didn’t realize it would happen, and when it’s brought to his attention, he does his best to alleviate it.
Ash is basically a stand-up guy.
The HEA Lover: Could you give us a short summary of your novel twitter style (140 characters or less)?
Imagine Ash as head of the Capulets and Margaret in charge of the Montagues. Unveiled is Romeo & Juliet on crack.
The HEA Lover: Will there be more books in this series?
Courtney: Yes! I’ve just finished a first draft of Mark’s book. Mark is Ash’s youngest brother. His book takes place five years after Unveiled: after Mark has published a book on chastity to immense popular success. Queen Victoria knights him for his contribution to public morality, and women adore him. His enemies, however, hate it and hire a courtesan to seduce him and destroy his reputation.
I’ve started work on the third brother’s book, but we’re still in the early stages (both of writing & negotiating with my publisher about it), so no promises.
The HEA Lover: What is next on your schedule? Anything else we should keep our eyes open for?
Courtney: Next is Unclaimed, Mark’s book, in October of 2011. Beyond that, I can’t make any promises–just that I’ll keep writing, and I hope the books will keep getting published.
The HEA Lover: Which 4 characteristics should a perfect hero should have in your opinion? And do you think Ash fits this description?
Courtney: I don’t believe in perfect heroes. I do believe in perfect couples, though. I believe that true love makes you a bigger person–stronger and more capable and more sure of yourself. Ash wouldn’t be a perfect hero for everyone, but by the measure I’ve set forth, I think he is the perfect hero for Margaret. And once you see what he does for her–and what she learns to do for herself–I hope you’ll agree.

That being said, my heroes all have one thing in common. At some point in every story, the hero is always confronted with the fact that he’s interested in a very competent, intelligent woman–and she’s better than him at something.
Universally, my heroes always respond the same way: “That is so hot.”
Men who freak out when confronted with competent women are never heroes in my books.
The HEA Lover: Now can you tell us 3 reasons why people should read your books?
Courtney: Not really, no. I hate telling people why they should read my books. It feels so self-serving. Read my books because you want to read them. If you aren’t sure if you want to read them, ask a few friends what they think. And if you still aren’t sure… leave a comment! I’ll send one lucky winner a free copy of Unveiled, so you can try it and see what you think.
Courtney is offering a copy of Unveiled to ONE lucky commenter
All you have to do is ask Courtney a question or leave a meaningful comment about the post.
(You can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email in blogger profile or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open worldwide!
Giveaway ends on Saturday February 12th
and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Caro The HEA Lover
Caroline is a HEA loving, yarn addicted French who's desperately hoping to get a HEA of her own. If she's not reading then she can be found knitting while listening to Audiobooks or watching Tv shows. Her secret addiction is reading websites that make fun at other people's expense (DYAC, Failbook)! Caroline also blogs at the Secret HEA Society with Susi.
Thank You so much for the interview and the look into your writing style.
Oh and the giveaway 🙂
Also I must comment that I enjoy your ideas about heroes and their roles in love and Lit.
Much thanks again
Oh, awesome giveaway – Courtney and the Book Lovers.
I love the way you take your books with a good heart. Having your husband post awful reviews of them is rather ingenious, and hilarious at the same time. The way you codename them shows you have a good idea of what you want the overall idea of the book to be as well. That's very important. 🙂
Looking forward to finally trying your books, Courtney.
Hello Courtney!
I couldn't agree with you more about being turned off by guys that have to be better at everything. If a guy is so insecure that he can't handle his girlfriend or wife being accomplished in her own right, then I just don't care to know him. I like the hero to be amazed by his beloved's talents and achievements!
Great post!
GeishasMom73 on twitter
Can't wait to read this–especially psyched to read Courtney's comment that she believes this is the best she's written. And I've been looking forward to seeing how many Sherman Tanks Mr. M gives this one!
I like the fact that the hero has to confront a strong woman who does something better than him. I really like this part!!!
And what an awesome giveaway! I'm in!
aliasgirl at libero dot it
Would love to win and read the book to see what I would think. I am sure it will be fabulous 🙂
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I loved Trial by Desire and looking forward to reading the new book. Great post thanks for sharing with today!
Thanks for the giveaway and the post. I haven't know you, Courtney, before, but I will absolutely read one of your books. So probably I will read Unveiled, as according to you, this is your best book =) Oh, and I love the cover =)
Great interview! It was so fun to read and I loved your twitter style summary!
Hi, Courtney! Your series sounds lovely– and look lovely, to, because of the stunning covers!
I just read a great review on this book and I SO want to read Romeo and Juliet on crack. 😉
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (Dot) com
I've read several very positive reviews on this book. That Courtney thinks it is her best is great news for her readers. Proof by Seduction is a stunningly beautiful story. So, better than that–Wow!
Congrats to Courtney on the new release. Looking forward to reading "Unveiled."
janie1215 AT excite DOT com
Congratulations on the new release, Courtney.
I liked where you said that you don't believe in perfect heroes, only in perfect couples. Being with the right person should bring out the best in oneself, not the worst.
Since you have another career and are giving up so much of your free time to write, what exactly compels you to do it?
Thanks so much for all the comments! I'm so glad you're all feeling the love for heroes who like competent women. It's a personal must for me.
Kim: What compels me to write? I don't know. Insanity.
Wow, thanks for the giveaway, always fun to have these interview gaining a better insight into the book, and your writing style. Cheers
Emailz address:
I really enjoyed Proof by Seduction and your story The Wicked Gift in the anthology The Heart of Christmas. Your heroines were unusual, not the familiar upper class misses. I'm looking forward to reading Unveiled, as well as Trial by Desire (which I have on my TBR shelf). You don't have to convince me to read your books, I definitely want to read them.
Oh wow, I am so looking forward to reading Unveiled! I don't even care if I win. Congrats Courtney on the lovely covers!
Lranda11(at) yahoo (dot) com
(that's an eleven before the at)
Okay, "Magic Chickens"? I can't begin to imagine…
I loved Ash but I loved Margaret's character growth more, even if I did think she should have told her father off (yes, it'd be pointless, but still). Also, the whole situation keeping them apart never felt tedious. Thank you for writing such a great book!
The covers are to die for. A tantalizing glimpse. Great interview!!
Congratulations to Courtney on the new book! It sounds like a very intense story that would make it hard for the characters to get to their HEA.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Unveiled is on my must-read list. Great reviews have piqued my interest.
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
I am a follower and email subscriber. What suggestions do you have for me if I would like to try to write a book. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read your books.
I can't wait to read this book. I have heard nothing but good things about it and it looks great. I thoroughly enjoyed your last two so I know I will definitely like this one. I too am a big fan of Mr. Milan's reviews. So funny. I love that he isn't biased.
Sorry. I forgot to leave my contact info above.
l think the answer to the last question is such an honest great answer!!
Thanks for the giveaway
booksforcompany @
What a great interview! I haven't read one of Courtney's books yet but have already read a lot of reviews about them and this interview has certainly wet my appetite even more! 🙂
The settings of the books sound always great!
claudigc at msn dot com
The one problem I have is that when I pick up one of Courtney's books I can't put it down until I finish it!
All great books have to have some type of "conflict" in them. How does Courtney decide what element to pick and what type of tension there should be? Are the characters decided first of the basic plot or storyline?
I can't wait to read Unveiled and already looking forward to finding out about the timing on the next releases.
Sorry I forgot to leave my email.
This book really looks good. The only thing I have read is your anthology Christmas story and I enjoyed it!! The interview was very interesting.
i love courtney's answer to the last question!! I've read her books and LOVE them! Thanks so much for the contest!!
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
Hi Courtney, do you plan to write books of different genres in the future?
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I always admire writers that also have day jobs. I don't know how you do it! I have trouble running my blog, reading and doing the day-to-day home stuff, I would never be able to write a book too!
baychriz at gmail dot com
Thanks for the interview and Courtney congratulations on the new book.
Courtney , If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in "Unvelied" ?
I've got Proof by Seduction sitting on my TBR pile, and I just read The Wicked Gift and loved it. I totally agree with Courtney's philosophy on true love between two people. My husband and I expressed a similar thought when we spoke our wedding vows and I always try to keep that in mind. Looking forward to reading this one.
jen at delux dot com
Thanks for the interview! The book sounds very intriguing and I love how it's described as Romeo & Juliet on crack. Would love to win this to read!
Great interview! I'm intrigued to find out about the book, which has a code name Magic Chickens. I can't wait to find out what that one is about.
I don't like snobby women, so I guess I'd love to see how Margaret's life changes!!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Not read this series but love the time period.
linze_e at