Today I would like to introduce you to Lucy Felthouse the creative mastermind and editor of the fantastic erotic anthology Uniform Behaviour
. This book is full of scorching hot stories about men and women in different (sexy) uniforms be it soldier, sailor, fireman, cop or some other uniform you wouldn’t even think of at first like waiter, security guard or cleaner. (You can read my detailed thoughts in my review of Uniform Behaviour here at BLI.) Please give a warm welcome to Lucy and enter for your chance to win your own copy of Uniform Behaviour.
When I put out the submissions call for my erotic anthology, Uniform Behaviour
, I expected to receive lots of stories about soldiers and firemen. They seemed to be the most favoured uniforms amongst people I’d spoken to. So, late last year, when the submissions started rolling in, I was pleasantly surprised. The call had obviously inspired imaginations because the final selection of stories, as well as having those soldiers and firemen I’d expected, also had waiters, a member of the Queen’s Guard, policemen, a futuristic space soldier, a ship steward, a security guard, a sailor, a cleaner and a priest!
It was fascinating to see how the writers had firstly chosen a uniform and then woven it into an erotic story. Each tale is so deliciously dirty and different that you could easily forget that there is more than one tale in the book about soldiers – there’s even one written by a serving UK soldier!
The response to the book has been great, which I’m really happy about. I’m glad people are enjoying the hard work put in by myself and the other authors!
I’m actually in the midst of going through this experience again, but this time with an erotic mythology theme. Let’s just say that this book is also shaping up to be a naughty fun fest! So watch this space for the as-yet-untitled anthology.
About the book:
Uniform Behaviour: Steamy Stories About Men and Women in Uniform

Do you get all weak-kneed at the sight of a grubby fireman or a hunky soldier? Perhaps immaculately-dressed waiting-on staff get you feeling frisky? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Uniform Behaviour contains sixteen smutty stories about firemen, soldiers, sailors, police, security guards and even waiters, priests and cleaners!
Delve into this anthology and enjoy steamy stories from established erotica authors including Justine Elyot, Craig J Sorensen, Victoria Blisse, Shermaine Williams, Elizabeth Coldwell and Lucy Felthouse. Uniform Behaviour also proudly introduces some exciting debut authors. So remember, you saw them here first!
As well as being written and compiled for your titillation, this anthology is also designed to do good. A portion of the proceeds from Uniform Behaviour will be donated to UK charity Help for Heroes, which helps those wounded in current conflict.
The stories in this anthology have been hand-picked by a uniform aficionado, so you can rest assured that only the sexiest erotic fiction lies in this eBook.
About the author:
During Lucy’s first year studying Creative Writing at the University of Derby, she was dared to write an erotic story. It went down a storm and she’s never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance and Xcite Books.
Lucy has generously offered one ebook copy of Uniform Behaviour to be won by one lucky commenter!
All you have to do is ask Lucy a question or leave a meaningful comment about her interview, or you can always tell us
Do you read erotic fiction? When and how did you start?
(You can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email in blogger profile or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open worldwide!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, June 4th and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Stella
Stella is a proud bookaholic and a self-taught multilinguist in training. Besides reading, her other great passions are travelling and baking. When she is not globetrotting she lives in sunny Budapest, where she loves to spend her free time preparing (and feasting on) delicious cookies or devouring equally yummy books. Her favourite genres are urban fantasy and romance and she couldn't live without her daily dose of sunshine. Besides being the Latin Lover on BLI Stella also blogs about books and a bookish life on Ex Libris.
Thank you so much, Lucy, for not forgetting about us waitresses! Many overlook us in the uniform category, but they just don't know how fantasy worthy our profession actually is!
Most forget that we are the ones that come in daily contact with those OTHER uniformed hunks and hunkettes, lol. Talk about working with a straight face! Yeah, one may not know what is going on behind the mind of a server when she is placing hot eggs and grits in front of a gorgeous green-eyed officer. (yep, been there!)
Me and erotica go WAAAAY back, lol, our relationship started in my teens when I would sneak quick reads out of the forums of Penthouse *blushes*
Good luck on the book sales!
brbalways (at)yahoo (dot)com
Watijo3 (Twitter)
Just recently I was on a trip in Washington D.C. It's not uncommon to see men and women in uniforms. Well, it seemed like everywhere I turned there were crisp white Navy uniforms. It was a bit overwhelming! My question is, were any of your submissions about women in uniform and the men who love them or are they all men in uniform?
I do enjoy a man in uniform…
well my reading the erotica started kinda innocently, my daughter made me stand in line to watch "twilight" after watching I realized there has to more to this story for the following, so i bought the series read them all rather quickly quite enjoyed them…then decided I am an adult and bought JR Ward's Dark Lover…after that I was hooked on reading and differennt genres came into play…now i own bookshelves and a kindle…
I read or re-read nightly…my poor family…
I do read erotic fiction. I started with reading romance and as they became more explicit I found that I enjoyed reading books that are erotic.
I enjoy a good erotic book now and then. It depends on the mood I'm in. I could jump from heart-retching dramas to suspenseful stories to down and dirty deeds. I'm all over the map at any given time. 😀
Thanks for the giveaway!
jcross719 at yahoo dot com
Yes, I do read erotica. It all stems from my love of paranormal romance. As I read more and more authors I would begin to read what they recommended and it snowballed from there :).
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Lucy, thanks for stopping by and do the interview!..
Oh, I love men in uniform <3, especially policemen, army and NAVY SEALs (my favorite is Sandra Hill), but I love read about women in uniform too.
My question is, what best and hard part when edit and make this book?
Yes, I read erotica. I think I start reading this genre a half year ago. I can't remember what I read, but I sure do blush a lot and can't sleep, LOL
I like to read erotic romance from time to time. I think my first erotic romance books were by Aphrodisia (can't remember the author) and then I read my first book by Lorelei James and was absolutely hooked! Since then I discovered so many great erotic romance authors and I'm always trying to read something new-to-me like more heavy on BDSM or m/m, something like that.
claudigc at msn do com
Have been reading erotica for several years.
I love anthologies because I get to find new to me authors.
kissinoak at frontier dot com
I've been reading erotica and erotic romance for a while. I read Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy a decade ago. That was probably the first erotic fiction I read.
I'm pleasantly surprised at how many different types of uniforms are represented in the anthology. I must admit that I would have automatically thought of military or law enforcement uniforms not a waiter or a priest. It sounds like a diverse group of stories. It sounds like a great anthology!
user1123 AT comcast DOT net
@GeishasMom73 on twitter
wow that's some good variety in the uniform department. I'm already picturing the Queen's Guard sigh.
Hi Lucy!
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
I started reading erotic romance books just a year ago.
The main reason was a way to escape from reality and to forgot my problems and what better way then reading something that puts you in a very happy frame of mind!
So thank you Lucy for feeding my obsession!
I would love to win a copy of this book!
Have to admit that a guy in uniform is terribly sexy somehow!
Thanks for all your comments everyone – great to see so much interest in my little anthology!
I purposely chose stories with variety – as much as I love a guy in an army uniform, I wanted to make sure the book catered to different tastes.
Good luck with the competition, and don't forget to add the book to your Goodreads shelves! 🙂
I love men in uniform. They are so hot and sexy. Please enter me in contest.
It's cool and funny to see how many uniforms people can think about to write a story, but always the sexy fireman is present XD
I would love to get one copy of Uniform Behavior 😀
Of course I read erotic fiction! LOL Sometimes I am a bit embarrassed about it, but I do and I love it. *-*
Thanks for the chance!
kah_cherub at hotmail dot com
There is something very hot about men in uniforms… I'd love to read it. 😉
le_petit_cherie at hotmail dot com
Even a priest story, huh? lol I'm looking forward to your erotic mythology anthology. 🙂 thank you for the giveaway.
cris_mv at hotmail dot com
Sounds like a great anthology 🙂 I love reading erotica and was introduced to it years ago via Black Lace books.
smaccall @
Love the cover. Men in uniform are indeed irresistable. It's the title of the book that caught my attention, though. A very catchy title and really rather amusing. Look forward to reading it:)
Please remove me from the contest. I just received this book. Good luck everyone!
user1123 AT comcast DOT net
GeishasMom73 on twitter
I have read some erotic stories. I guess I started reading it about two or three years ago.
meredithfl at gmail dot com