Hi Diane, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Diane: Thank you so much for having me! Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, I relocated to South Florida, a sultry paradise I instantly fell in love with. I’m married, have two children and a super cute Dachshund I can’t get enough of. I write hot contemporary romance, and I’m published with Kensington Publishing and Lyrical Press.
Stella: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?
Diane: I’m the organized type, and I need to have a few things in place before I start a new book such as a working title, my main characters, and the premise of the story. I like to have an idea where I’m going, but I’m never sure how I’m going to get there until I start writing. So I guess to answer the question, I’m a little bit of both.
Stella: What do you think is the difference between a reader and a real Book Lover?
Diane: I think a book lover lives for reading. Stories consume them, and they prefer to spend their time in a fictional world.
Stella: Why did you decide to write romances? Is it a genre you enjoy reading as well?
Diane: I love Contemporary Romance. It’s what I read and write. Of course, it has to be sexy. Okay, hot! I like to write about things that occur in real life, problems that readers can relate to. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and I try not to shy away from the darker side even if it might be unpopular.
Stella: One of the focal points of Dangerous Desire are pets. You write about dog fighting, animal cruelty, missing pets and a dedicated and serious pet detective, all topics which are quite unusual in romance novels. How did you have the idea to write a romance with a social conscience where animals play such a pivotal role? Do you remember that lightbulb moment when inspiration struck?
Diane: When I set out to write
Dangerous Desire
, I wanted to do something different, a little more edgy than my previous books. I chose to make the hero a pet detective (No. He’s nothing like Ace Ventura!) because frankly, I hadn’t seen many tough guys with this profession. A love for animals softened his hard exterior. I found it attractive, and thought my heroine would too.
I knew who my hero was. How would he utilize his special skills? While I was brainstorming ideas, pro football player Michael Vick’s dogfighting scandal made headlines. Believe it or not, it spurred the plot for Dangerous Desire!
Stella: What can we expect of Dangerous Desire?
Diane: A totally unique love story!
Stella: Can you summarize Dangerous Desire for us twitterstyle (140 characters or less)?
Diane: A hot romance with a fresh take on a second chance at love. The story is full of heart and will thrill readers, especially animal lovers!
Stella: Now can you tell us 3 reasons why people should read Dangerous Desire?
1) A plot that has never been done before.
2) Super caliente sex!
3) A smokin’ hot alpha hero.
Stella: Animals play a major role in Dangerous Desire, especially Zola and Roman. Did any real dog inspire them or are they a fragment of your imagination?
Diane: Zola and Roman were completely fictional. Since I’m such an animal lover, they were easy to imagine and so much fun to write. It felt like they were mine in real life.
Stella: You also have several Latino romances published by Kensington in the Encanto Books series. What can you tell readers about these stories?
Diane: Right after I finished writing my first novel, I came across an article that Kensington Publishing was launching the first-ever Latino Romance line. My hero just happened to be Latino, so I submitted to them. Nothing had prepared me for what happened next — I sold three books! My debut novel,
Dangerous Heat
, came out in January 2001. Unfortunately, the line went into hiatus, but some of the novels can still be found online.

Stella: What shall we expect from you, what is next on your schedule?
Diane: The Print edition of
Dangerous Desire
will be out in October. I’m also excited to announce that I recently sold a novella to Lyrical Press, which comes out in March 2012. Sexy, fun and romantic, Still Hot for You takes a peek into the marriage of Dylan and Shay LaCosta. Theirs is a hot and steamy union, with an even hotter couple. Just like in real life, relationships have problems. But when two people are meant to be, they fight with each other, and they fight for each other.
Stella: In your bio you mention a “super cute dachshund you can’t get enough of”, can you tell us a bit about your dog? (any cute pet story you care to share?)
Diane: Kylee keeps a permanent smile on my face. She’s a rescue dog, and I can’t believe how lucky we got. She’s beautiful, lovable, and full of personality. Snuggling with her is my favorite pastime!
Stella: Can you share with us some little secret trivia, something that not many people know about you?
Diane: Tattoos are very common these days, but most people wouldn’t think that I have one. Okay, two! Maybe it’s because of my quiet and reserved demeanor. But you know what they say about the quiet ones…
All you have to do is leave a comment or question or answer this question as Diane is curious:
Do you prefer to read a traditional book or an eBook?
(You can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open worldwide!
Giveaway ends on 1 October and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Stella
Stella is a proud bookaholic and a self-taught multilinguist in training. Besides reading, her other great passions are travelling and baking. When she is not globetrotting she lives in sunny Budapest, where she loves to spend her free time preparing (and feasting on) delicious cookies or devouring equally yummy books. Her favourite genres are urban fantasy and romance and she couldn't live without her daily dose of sunshine. Besides being the Latin Lover on BLI Stella also blogs about books and a bookish life on Ex Libris.
Thank you so much for the beautiful post. I LOVE IT!
both hav the good things i lov the feel of paper but a ebook has very little storage needed
i say ebook
Thanks for the post and giveaway. I like to hold a book in my hands.
I used to be hard-core PB all the way but I'm leaning toward e-books more and more lately. It's just so much more convenient, I can skip around and read whatever I'm in the mood for at the moment, and I don't have to worry about storage space 🙂
smaccall AT comcast.net
Congrats to Diane on the new release. I prefer print. I do read ebooks on my computer.
janie1215 AT excite DOT com
Great interview. Must now check the book out 😉
I have a Kindle and find I'm spending more money now on books for the kindle than I used to for paper books.
Great interview, thank you!
I won't chose between a traditional book or ebook as they both have their place in my life. I like holding a print book and there are some books I just want to have in print. I have a Nook and love it, especially when travelling. I don't have to have an extra suitcase for all the books I would need! Having an ereader has also allowed me to try new authors and genres due to the free and low cost books.
I think there's room for both in this world!!
This sounds like a unique plot for a romance book and I'd love to read it.
I was an early ebook adopter. I absolutely love being able to carry around 100's of books on a device that's the equivalent in size of a trade paperback – no more book panics for me! It's also much easier on my wrists to read on a reader instead of trying to hold a book open. If I had my way, I'd read only ebooks.
jen at delux dot com
Although I love the look and feel of paperback print books, I do love my kindle. The ability to take hundreds of books with me whereever I go, not have to worry about storage space, etc is great. Some authors/series I will continue to buy in print, but I find myself buying more ebooks as time goes by.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I prefer to read a traditional book. There is something about holding a book in your hands that I enjoy. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I read both paper books and ebooks. And I always have one of each kind being read at the same time. There are certain authors that are paper only for me. I just love the feel of paper books. And the covers! Ahhh!
I love my Kindle for the ease of carrying 250+ books around at once and always having something on hand to read, but I will never give up my paper books! I usually have at least 3 paper books going at different times, and 2 ebooks, too, so I really do need both:)
jwitt33 at live dot com
i love traditional books, however most of my time is spend looking on my pc screen, so ebooks are a really great invention.
I prefer ebooks, because I can have them in my kindle and take them everywhere.
Thanks for the giveaway!
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
That is a hard question, because I like both. If it is one of my fav authors then I would have to get the book. I collect books from certain authors. Some I have the book and the ebook, but have that for fav books, because if I go somewhere then don't want to have to take a bunch of books with me, can just take my nook.
Diane is a new author for me and would love to win and read this book. I am always looking for new books and authors to read and this one sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.
Great interview!
As for books, I guess the important thing for me is that I have enough of them on hand to read…
I prefer paper books, but nothing beats the storage capacity of an ereader. I use them both.
Mikie T
mdturett at juno dot com
Thank you all so much for the kind remarks and great feedback! Just want to remind you that Dangerous Desire is now available in Print as well as an eBook.
I'm now on Kindlegraph and can autograph your copy. Kindlegraph.com/authors/DianeEscalera
Don't forget to "Like" my Facebook fan page at: Facebook.com/dianeescaleraofficial
Thanks again and good luck!