Format read: ARC provided by the author
Release Date: 11 Nov 2011
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Length: 258 pages
Formats available: ebook,
Series:Willow Creek #1
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Decadent Publishing
Book Blurb:
When Connecticut socialite Lilly Brooks inherits land in Caldwell, Kansas, she finally has the chance to break free from the gilded cage of Victorian society and chase after her dreams of excitement and romance in the Wild West. Excitement arrives with angry Indians, smelly dogs, and drunken cowboys who won’t take no for an answer. Romance comes in the form of a ruggedly handsome rancher named Paul McGregor. Too bad he calls her a whore within the first minute of their acquaintance.
Paul has spent the last three years trying to hold his family and ranch together after the death of his parents. When he saves a stunning blonde, who he thinks is a soiled dove, he tries to do the right thing and get her work at a good saloon. He soon discovers the woman whose favors he would love to buy owns land key to his family’s financial future. Paul decides to use his best weapon to win Lilly over and get her property: seduction.
A wicked cattle baron wants Lilly’s land as well and threatens to kill anyone who stands up to him. Paul must decide what he needs more, the land or the beautiful and courageous, wild Lilly.
My Thoughts:
Ann Mayburn is known for her hot and highly erotic romances and when I heard that she planed to write one in a historical setting that also had cowboys I just had to grab my chance. In
Wild Lilly we meet not only sexy cowboys but also soiled doves aka dancehall girls, some very nice Indians and a bunch of bad guys- some not as bad as it seems.
The story is all about Lilly, a girl from a wealthy family who yearns for freedom and adventure. When her uncle dies and leaves his land in the west in her care she knows without a doubt that she has to grab her chance. Lilly is a daring and adventurous young woman. She’s a free spirit and is more liberated than it was usual at this time. But she also can be rather naive at times which I have to admit irked me to no end. At times I just wanted to grab her and shake her real hard. How could she not see what really happened?
On the other hand we have Paul- the rough and gruff cowboy who steals Lilly’s heart. He is a nice guy at heart and only wants to take care of his family but he can be a rather selfish asshole. He’s so focused on his life and goals that he sometimes doesn’t seem to realize what he is actually doing to others. He judges others for selfishness and in essence he wasn’t very much different. His deceiving of Lilly really made me angry. I know I shouldn’t care so much, but I HATE liers and he just didn’t stop. I was so angry at times that I really felt like throwing the ereader against the wall. This was a rather big problem for me.
I really loved the sidecast though. Estrella was such a vivid and believabkle character. She really had fire- I loved that. Also Sleeping Bear was great and I liked his character for too many reasons to list- and well he was hot. *wink* And Lilly’s grand-mère was a riot.
The plot was a bit too cluttered for my taste. So many things happened and while nearing the end my thoughts actually only consisted of “Not really.” With so many incidents, twists and surprises I felt overwhelmed. The story lost a bit of it’s credibility.
All in all Wild Lilly was a really fast paced and erotic historical romance with a vast variety of characters. It’s full of action, not only between the sheets. If you like your historicals hot this might be the read for you. I already cant wait to see what the next novel in this series will bring.
I give Wild Lilly 3 out of 5 stars.
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I have not read anything by this author but I love your review and it definitely sounds like a book I would like.
Your review does not invite me to start reading this one. A stupid heroine, and a lying selfish hero. This would be a DNF for me.
Hunky guy on the cover alert 😉
@Mary I hope you will give it a try.
@Aurian I wouldn't say she's stupid. She just wants to believe in the good of a person.
@Blodeuedd Yes. *g* The girl reminds me of Reese Witherspoon. LOL
Oooh I haven't heard of this book or author before but it sounds like a really interesting book! I'll have to pick it up.
@Emily I hope you'll love it! *g*