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Guest post by Carolyn Brown + Giveaway

Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. Carolyn Brown, who is celebrating the release of her latest novel Mistletoe Cowboy which combines two very fine things: a sexy cowboy and a holiday romance, yay! Please give a warm welcome to Carolyn, read on to get a first glimpse of the story and don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end, you could win yourself a copy of Mistletoe Cowboy just in time for the holidays! 😉 


I’m so excited that y’all asked me to stop by your site on my blog tour for Mistletoe Cowboy. It’s a real pleasure to be here.

I just love the fall and the holiday season that Halloween kicked off a couple of weeks ago. First it’s the witches and goblins and then all the good food and family at Thanksgiving and then Christmas and New Year’s tops the whole season …

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