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Guestpost: Dreams by Erastes + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome Erastes here at Book Lovers Inc today. she writes gay historical fiction and her latest novel, Muffled Drum, is released today. Today she will tell us about dreams and what it feels like when they come true. Please be sure to stay till the end for your chance to win. 

Thank you Susi and The Book Lovers Inc for allowing me a guest post here.

I’m Erastes and I’m a female writer of gay historical fiction. My first book was published in 2006 and I’ve had a real blast ever since, meeting some really amazing people.

I’d like to talk about dreams a little before I introduce my new novel which is out today(!). Dreams are funny things, you can go around thinking “wouldn’t it be nice if…” but not really thinking about anything happening …

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