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Post Thumbnail of Guestpost by Author Stefanie Sloane + Giveaway

Guestpost by Author Stefanie Sloane + Giveaway

Today we’re thrilled to welcome author Stefanie Sloane at Book Lovers Inc. The Saint Who Stole My Heart , the 4th book in Stefanie’s Regency Rogues series is coming today! Our review will be up in a few hours, don’t forget to check it out. Please let’s give a warm welcome to Stefanie who will give us a glimpse of  a deleted scene from her last book. Welcome Stefanie!

“In writing, you must kill your darlings.”
—William Faulkner

Every writer can attest to the anguish and pain to be found in the act of deleting scenes. Unfortunately, there are times when it’s unavoidable. Believe me, I’ve tested this theory, and it always wins. The “darlings” Faulkner refers to in the quote above are an author’s favorites: favorite characters, favorite set-ups, favorite themes. Anything she enjoys writing, really. Because if you enjoy writing it, chances are that …

Post Thumbnail of Guestpost: Why I Love a Good Rogue by Stephanie Sloane + Giveaway

Guestpost: Why I Love a Good Rogue by Stephanie Sloane + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome Stephanie Sloane here at Book Lovers Inc today. Her new historical romance The Devil in Disguise will be released in May. She writes Historical romance and today she is here to tell us why she loves a good Rogue. Be sure to answer her question at the end for you chance to win.

Last spring, as I exchanged emails back and forth with my editor about the name for my debut trilogy, I began to really think on just how much weight those few words would carry. A series name is, after all, meant to both describe the books and sell them—in two, maybe three words. That’s a tall order, indeed.

“Regency” seemed a natural fit. Not only are all three of my books set in the Regency period, roughly 1811 – 1830, but the word …

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