I absolutely love reading Paranormal Romance, it is up on my list of favourite genres, what keeps it from being my favourite?
Well there isn’t enough action in it for my tastes which is why I sway more towards Urban Fantasy and to be perfectly honest, Paranormal Romance books can get a tad boring after a while for me.

Personally, I try to change it up, some vampires, werewolves and even a couple of demons now and then or sometimes ghosts but I can only read so many before I begin to think “Vampire Bob meets Plain Jane one night in a bar, some sex, a fight, they get together, she gets turned into something immortal, and Bob’s your uncle.” – Well I suppose in this case, you’d really hope Bob isn’t your uncle.

I shamelessly use Paranormal Romance to make me feel better after a bad day or even after reading a sad book, I always know that I will get some form of a happy ending and some really nice smut in between. I get to wish I was a (insert awesomely cool immortal being here) for a while and that hopefully one day that vampires will “come out of the coffin” (to coin a phrase from the Sookie Stackhouse books) for real and that one will come and sweep me off my feet with his old fashioned gentlemanly ways and modern money and kickass abilities to treat me like a princess and also teach me kick boxing as we live forever in happiness.

So for me Paranormal Romance is a steadfast genre that I can always turn to for a happy ending. Sure I can’t read ten in a row without wishing someone would please die or fight to the point of breaking up never to return again like normal people, but I have so little concentration or patience that I can’t read any specialty genre and not begin to get bored.
I love you Paranormal Romance, please continue making me happy with your occasional smuttiness and up-lifting happy endings.
About Amanda
Amanda-Lee is a proudly addicted reader and writer from Sydney. She lives with her wonderful husband and their more like a baby than a kitten Hamish. Amanda-Lee has been blogging for 4 years now and is a lover of all genres, though she does have a tendancy to stray towards the weird and wonderful concotions in the paranormal and fantasy genres. In addition to being the Winged Lover on BLI she also runs the book blog StoryWings.
I'm still pretty new to Paranormal Romance but from the little bit I've read of it I really like it because it hasn't been predictable.