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Post Thumbnail of Tina the Teenage Zombie Reviews Hellforged by Nancy Holzner + Giveaway

Tina the Teenage Zombie Reviews Hellforged by Nancy Holzner + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome Tina Terror here to do. She’s here on Nancy Holzner‘s command to tell us what she thinks about her latest release, Hellforged. Please give our guest reviewer a warm welcome. There’s also a surprise at the end. *g*

Tina ZawadzkiTerror (sorry, she goes by her stage name now) was caught in Boston’s zombie plague at the age of fifteen when she and her BFF Jenna skipped school to go shopping for dresses to wear to an upcoming dance. Three years later, Tina still looks and acts the same as she did at fifteen—well, except for the spongy, gray-green skin, blood-red eyes, stiffness, and superhuman strength characteristic of all zombies. As Vicky’s apprentice, Tina knows the protagonist of my Deadtown series pretty well. And she has some strong opinions on the books. Here she is …

Post Thumbnail of Interview Author Nancy Holzner + Giveaway

Interview Author Nancy Holzner + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome author Nancy Holzner here at Book Lovers Inc today. Her new novel, Hellforged (book 2 in her Deadtown series) was released at the end of 2010 and today she is here to talk about herself, her books and zombies. Please give her a warm welcome. And keep an eye open for her question at the end of the interview and you might win her newest release. 

Nancy: Thank you so much for inviting me to be here today. I’m a regular reader of your site, so I was thrilled to do an interview with the Book Lovers.

BLI: Nancy can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Nancy: I’ve been a book lover all my life. When I was a kid, my parents had to institute a no-reading-at-the-dinner-table rule because I never wanted to put my book …

Post Thumbnail of Randomly Booked: Miami and Deadtown

Randomly Booked: Miami and Deadtown

I grew up in Miami Beach. Every year I grew older I saw more and more how much I didn’t like living there. There was nothing to do in Miami for people under the age of 21. I didn’t have a drivers license or car so when I wanted to go to some places I had to get my parents to take me where I needed to go.

At the moment I’m on vacation in Miami and during this trip I met a new friend. She gave me a few presents which made my day because each one meant something new. One of the books this friend gave me is called Deadtown by Nancy Holzner.  I immediately after I saw it knew that I really wanted to read this book but I can’t remember why. 

Nancy Holzner,Randomly Booked,The Random Lover     1 Apr 2010 Comments Off on Randomly Booked: Miami and Deadtown
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